"Can you please move a slide back?" Jungkook demanded as he stood up from his seat, towards the screen, standing right across Taehyung. His eyes squinted as he pointed one particular number on the pie chart. "Recalculate this." he added in a very firm tone.

Jin quickly redo the formula and it appeared to be a different number. He realized his mistake and look up to exchange glance with Taehyung. The latter just smiled and nod, mouthing 'it's okay' assuring Jin.

"Your percentage is bad. Your PPC (pay per click) is too high. Not attracting. And non-attractive price equals to low visitor traffic." Jungkook commented as he slowly strut back to where he sat. "You may continue."

Taehyung proceeded to present. Jin examined the latter. How confident and charismatic the latter was, as if he wasn't bothered by Jungkook's cockiness. Jin was amazed by how Taehyung can deal with Jungkook's constant critical questions thrown at him.

".....I believe that with the right investor, V Enterprise with its v-zit.com will continue to expand and able to reach throughout Asia region."

It was a deafening silence as all eyes are set on Jungkook, awaiting for his response. "I would like to speak in private with Taehyung. And Doojoon hyung, you can go back first."

The gentlemen excuses themselves and left the room. As Jin turned around to close the door from the outside, he caught a glimpse of Jungkook's eyes, winking at him before the door fully shut.

'Did he just winked at me?'


Another excruciating silence as both male was left in the meeting room. "So, Tae. I'm going to be completely honest with you. The numbers doesn't resonate with what I had in mind before I step foot in here. Investing vzit.com is too risky for us."

Taehyung's was in despair, he really needed the fund. But him being himself, he was composed. He doesn't show any disappointments. He replied calmly. "Understand JK. Is there a way?"

"There is." As if favor was on his side, Jungkook moved forward. "acquisition."

Taehyung scrunched his nose. He's not liking the idea. "I don't think I can agree to that JK. This is my company, my identity, my corroboration towards my dad. You know I've been dying to proof him that I can succeed."

"I can try talking to samcheon on buying 60 of your stocks instead. With 40 on you, you can still have authority and control over liabilities of V Enterprise. The choice is yours Tae."

"I will need to think about this JK. This is a big deal for me."

"Understood. I will take my leave then. See you around Tae."

Upon Jungkook's leave, Taehyung sighed. He took off his glasses and shut his eyes for a moment. His mind was racing in like crazy. Indeed it was a big deal for him. He wouldn't want to come back to his father's wings and ended up being stuck in an arranged marriage. His father might not have brought it up, but judging from how he knew his father so well, he knew that if he came crawling back to his father, the old man will have a daughter of one of his business partner for him to marry. Not gonna happen. And so he decided.


"One iced dolce latte to go please." Jin placed his laptop on the waiting bay desk, he grab his handphone and saw a message from his appa.


Jinnie, I'm going back to Gwacheon. Your aunt is sick. I left some food in the fridge. Bistro will be closed for the next two days. Take care son.

Family Matters - Kookjin | Jinkook | YunjaeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon