" it's like he's been here before" i said to him.

" i bought him here a couple of times and when he's here.. He acts like the owner of this house"  he said.

" well he is park jisung.." i said as we enter chenle's gaming room.

" guys let's play battleground" jeno suggested.

I played it before but i discontinued it since i got bored.

" want to play areum?" donghyuck asked.

" no thanks I'll just watch" i said as he nodded and they all played.

While the others are playing me and mark are having a conversation.

" don't you think that a murder in the middle of the night would be suspicious. I mean it would be but there are still students in campus that day. They wouldn't just kill someone in just you know a few meters where there are people" he said.

I would have told mark the truth that day but i was just too scared to give up the one and only thing trusted me in this club.

" someone messaged me that day. He told me he would kill taehee if i wouldn't give out the code of the website. He told me not to tell anyone so i figured to not tell you guys and keep it to myself.." i said to him.

" woah you knew all of this?" he was quite shocked to hear what i said.

" but if you said you can't tell then you probably give out the code if we told you to do so.. " he said. I just nodded.

" but the thing is.. He said he was also the guy who almost killed renjun and jaemin.. So i wouldn't be messing with him." i said to him.

I was scared to lose the guys. They were precious to me so it's better to not mess with him if it involves the guys unless there is a catch.

" still you should have told us about it next time.. " he said to me.

" yeahh... I'll tell you guys" i said to him.

Then a loud crash was heard from outside.

" what was that??" jisung said. We looked at the door and the sound kept getting nearer.

" I'll look you guys stay here.." mark said as he got up from his seat.

" I'll go with you mark hyung" jeno said. As mark agreed.

They went to the door and as they opened it. The hallway was dark. No one can see outside.

" if something happens just call us or scream on the top of your lungs.." i said to them. They nodded and got out.

" this is bad..." jisung said as he was almost panicking.

" stay calm jisung it's fine.. Everything will be fine.." i said to him as i hug him from behind.

" what was that anyways?? " renjun said.

" i was thinking of a broken window because it sounded like one.. " chenle said.

" why don't we should get going too? " donghyuck suggested.

" yah mark hyung told us to stay here" chenle said.

" yeah but they don't have anything with them? So how will they even protect themselves?" jaemin said.

I was thinking the same thing. They could be in trouble if they don't have anything.

" let's just go and help them" renjun said as he got up and went to somewhere.

" I'll go get something to use as a weapon" donhyuck said. Jaemin followed him.

Jisung is still a bit uneasy so i grabbed a pillow and gave it to him. Then chenle came to him.

I got up and went to where the others are and they have a pole and chains.

" where did you guys get these??" i asked them as i also grabbed a stick but it has a sharp point on the end.

" found it lying everywhere. Chenle keeps these here because he doesn't have space to put his galactic armour collection." renjun said.

" jaemin can you pass that?? " donghyuck pointed at the red box. As jaemin gave it to him.

I grabbed the spear to myself and  i remembered mark has that punching thing where you put in your hand and then it guards you knuckles. So yeah mark has that.

I searched that from his bag until i found it in his pockets. I showed it to the guys.

" where did you got this??" jaemin asked.

" mark had it.. But apparently he forgot to bring it." i said to him. He grabbed it from my hands and he put it on his knuckles.

" I'm going to borrow it for a while" jaemin said as he get back to what he was doing.

I grabbed the pepper spray and the alarm from my bag and gave it to jisung.

" I'll give it to you just in case something happens.." i said to him as he nodded.

After some time we got done and are now going outside.

" let's just stay alert and if anything goes wrong listen to me.." hyuck said. As he grabbed the door knob.

Anything that will happens to us tonight will change everything after hyuck open the door.


"You're finally going to be dead..
Choi areum.."



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