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Chapter 16: Mission


" you guys need to talk to that Taehee girl or maybe look after her secretly you never know what she will do next." mark said as he pointed at jisung and chenle.

" jeno and haechan try to look around because there might be some guys in the campus we never know what will happen" jeno and haechan nodded.

" while the two of you go put this around the campus. Its already programed and ready to use just place it in an open area. We need more surveillance system if we want to catch them and we can't hack the school's surveillance system because they are already shutting our computers down" mark showed a small camera.

" me and renjun will stay at the headquarters tomorrow and look out after all of you" he said.

Renjun placed a tablet infront of us and it turned into a holographic structure of the school.

" just placed them near the gate you know there's a pole there for lights right just placed one there. One infront of the club building entrance. Another one in the garden. The fountain. The big ass tree in the middle of the school and of course at the cafeteria and the offices entrance" renjun pointed at the spots that we need to put in the camera.

" can we talk to taehee?" jisung asked.

" sure but you have to do it at your own risks it might get dangerous since she beaten you two up" mark said.

" but have you guys unlocked the app yet?" jeno asked as they looked at me and renjun.

" not yet we still need more numbers" i said

"okay that's it for today we need to get some sleep for tomorrow" mark dismissed us and we packed our things and head out.

I was walking to the door but then chenle spoke up.

" i heard min taehee muttered something before she left.." chenle said as we all looked at him.

" what did she said?" renjun asked.

" something about.. Areum.." he said as they all looked at me.

" why would she say something about me i didn't even know her until now" i said.

" what else did she said chenle?" mark asked.

" im trying to remember it but i only heard Areum's name" he said.

My heart is beating fast right now. I have a feeling that this has something to do with me.

I walked out of the room but haechan caught up to me and we walked together.

" why me.." i said out of the blue.

" i really don't want to believe in chenle at firsy but when i looked at him he was dead serious" haechan said as put his arm around my shoulders.

"don't worry we're here to protect you from any danger.." haechan said as he gave a reassuring smile.

We walked to the gates and i saw doyoung. Haechan put down his arm and he waved goodbye to me.

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