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Chapter 14: New


Me and Jaemin went together to school since he eat Breakfast at home and my mom said we have to wait for him so we could get to the campus together. I don't know what my mother did to him but he was not his usual self. My mom ordered him to took a shower and while doyoung bought some clothes for him. No not borrowed but BOUGHT. who the hell opens a clothing store at this hour? Well obviously no one but doyoung manage to buy clothes for jaemin and also underwear. Crazy right?

Now I'm beside jaemin inside the car while we are going to the campus. I kept looking at him because what the hell did my mother did to him.

As we arrived i opened the door and look back to doyoung.

" I'll maybe text you when I'm going home" i said as he nodded. Jaemin got out from the other side and i closed the door.

I see that jaemin is walking towards me and giving me that cold stare. You should be fucking greatful because my mom treated you and i also let you stay in our house.

" you might be wondering what happened, well as you can see your mom talked to me and she gave me what you can say words of wisdom and I've been blessed by than" he said

" and what did you two talk about?" i asked him.

" it's classified" he said as he gave me a smirk and put his arm around my shoulder.

Since when he is close to me like this?

We walked to class and imagine really confused. As we enter the whole class are staring at us and giving me the glares. The hell if you guys thinking I'm dating this dude hell no!

I sat on my seat and took out my notebook. After a few minutes professor Moon came starting the class.

__ -:- __

" what's with jaemin today?" haechan asked as we looked at jaemin who was having a conversation normal conversation with jeno but he was actually laughing and also cracking up jokes from time to time.

" i don't know.." i said to him.

" did he finally moved on.. "

I heard haechan murmured. Did jaemin had a girlfriend or boyfriend before?

I wanted to asked haechan but he'll never say it because it was jaemin's problem we're going to talk about.

Our break was over and it's time to head back to class. Me and jaemin went back to our room and he was in a good mood. Really.

We still have ten minutes until the next professor came so i decided to ask jaemin about it. After all my mom treated him today.

" hey jaemin can i ask you something?" i said to him as he looked at me.

" yeah sure" he said as a small smile crept on his face.

" i heard from haechan that you've moved on.. What does he mean? Moved one from what-" he stopped me.

" i... I-i don't w-want to talk about it" he said as his usual cold and frowing self came back. He looked down on his desk and i saw a tear fell down from his eyes. I made a bad choice from asking, well fuck.

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