The Awakening of the Guardians

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"Up! Get up you lazy piece of fur!" 

Hadji, the spider legged, furry Mike Wizowski blinked in annoyance. He was never awake during the day, and only ever moved from under the bed when his kid was awake way past her bedtime. 

"What do you want?" He blinks at the blinding white light infront of him. "And who are you?"

"I'm Aleyité? You should know who I am by now, but Kelsey's gone and she's in danger" The bright light fades enough for Hadji to see the source. It is a person with short mousy brown hair dressed in a white gown and sandals. The true source of light is the halo above their head and pure white wings sprouting from their back.

"How do you know Kelsey and what do you mean she's gone?" He glowers at the... angel? He guesses that they are considering the wings and halo. This response earns him a whack on the head. "Ow! What the heck!"

"I'm her guardian angel you fucking idiot! Kelsey was kidnapped and we need to go save her!" Aleyité snarled. 

"What do you mean she was kidnapped?" Hadji asked. Aleyité groans and pulls their hands across their face. 

"You blithering idiot. She got separated from one of her dads at the mall and some guy went up to her, said he would take her home, but now she's locked in this creeps basement! She is in danger, her organs could be sold on the fucking black market!!" Hadji starts getting more and more frantic as this information sinks in, it takes a while due to the thick fur. 

"She was kidnapped?"

"Yes!! We need to go save her!"

"Wait wait wait, where did this guy take her? How do we get there? It's the middle of the day and we're not, at least I'm not, supposed to exist. He's selling her organs?"

"Where ever you're going I'm going too!" A small high pitched voice from Kelsey's bed yells. Hadji and Aleyité look up. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Aleyité asks.

"First of all, watch y'all profanity, and second of all I'm Teddy. Kelseys favorite and first stuffed animal," The small stuffed bear crosses his arms. 

"Fine," Snaps Aleyité, pinching the bridge of their nose. "Lets just get a plan to go get her quickly, anyone have any ideas?"

The three of them sit in silence for a few moments. Aleyité getting more and more frustrated by the second. 

"Anyone?" They ask.

"Dude calm down, it's been like, three seconds. If you're so frustrated don't you have any ideas?"

Aleyité takes a deep breath and smiles, "I'm sorry for getting frustrated, but she could be in danger and I can't have my kid get hurt!"

"How about we figure out what we know as of now," Teddy suggests. Aleyité looks somewhat surprised.

"Yes yes that's a good idea, thank you Teddy," Aleyité doesn't seems to relax any more. "I saw her get taken at the mall. She was put in a white van that was going south west at twenty miles per hour." They start rambling off the top of their head, "By now they could have gotten to the highway, going south at ninety miles per hour, unless they're not going that far away. I'll be able to find her, but I can't interact with humans. I'll be able to direct you two to rescue her. Hadji, you can move pretty quickly, but you can't be seen by humans so you'll have to go at night. Teddy you can ride him," they point at Hadji and Teddy respectively.

"And you said you didn't have a plan," Hadji says, earning him a slap from the gardien angel. "Ow," 

"It's currently one forty seven on Saturday, we have until Monday at eight pm. We have to make sure Kelsey doesn't miss any school," They say. "We have nineteen hours to get her back safely, preferably before anything bad happens and she gets traumatized for life,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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