What do I do? Part 3

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*Three months later*

It's lunch and I notice that Natalie seems, distracted.

"Natalie, you okay?" I ask.

"Hm? Oh yeah." She responds, kind of dazed.

"Are you sure?" I say not convinced.

"It's gay," She said hesitantly. " You okay with that?" I press my lips together hesitantly, but nod. "You know Andra?" I nod again, Andra had been in a few of my classes, she was nice. " She's my lab partner in Bio and, god, she's perfect. Her eyes look like the literal ocean. When she looked me in the eye today I just, melted. She's kind, smart, funny, a fellow queer, and god I just, Aaaahhhhhhh-" She buried her blushing face into her sweatshirt.

"Natalie, you are so in loove," Harper says poking Natalie's shoulder. Natalie just blushes an even deeper shade of red. I stay silent through all of this. Natalie is my friend and I know I should support her no matter what, but it still feels wrong.

As the week goes by, Natalie never stops talking about, staring at, or obsessing over Andra. I get used to it. Natalie is gay and that's okay.

*Next month*

Natalie invited Andra to sit with us at lunch. The entire period, Natalie was stumbling over her words, blushing, staring into Andra's eyes, and giving her more compliments then I had ever heard her say in my life. Half way though the period I couldn't handle it. I got up and left. When I sat down in the hallway I felt guilty and texted her. 

Blanketburrito: Hey, sorry, its not personal, I just couldn't handle it, just give me some time.

NatCat: :)

NatCat: It's fine

Blanketburrito: tell her if she hurts you I will personally kill her.

NatCat: ok XD

Throughout the week Andra stayed at our table and I gradually got used to it. I noticed that Andra and Natalie were getting closer. Natalie is gay and that's okay.

*Two weeks later*

I see Andra and Natalie holding hands. My entire body seizes up and I eat lunch in the hallway again. 

Blanketburrito: I'm trying, just give me time, don't let me stop you from doing what makes you happy.

NatCat: :)

Blanketburrito: It  just makes me happy that you can still be your self infront of me.

NatCat: <3

Eventually, I get used to seeing them holding hands. Natalie is gay and that's okay.

*Next month*

I haven't sat in the hallway in two weeks. Natalie and Andra have been holding hands every time I see them together, but now it only makes me smile.

Natalie and Andra walk into the dinning room holding hands as usual. Natalie sits down and Andra sets her stuff down.

"I'm going to go buy lunch, Nat, do you want anything?" She asked.

"Oh- no I'm fine." Natalie says. Then Andra leans down and kisses her cheek before going to the cafeteria. Natalie turns bright red and buries her head in her sweatshirt. 

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I hear her from sweater town. I smile. 

"So Caroline, no more hiding from the gayness anymore?" Harper elbows me in the side

"Ow!" I yelp. "And no, I'm fine with it."


"That hurt Harper." I rub my side. I hear Natalie giggle, I turn and see that she had returned from sweater town.

Natalie is gay and that's okay.

A/N: This might be that last chapter of What Do I Do? As I have finished the main storyline. If you want more, comment! As long as some plot ideas (No smut) and I might write more of this.

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