A Realistic Modern Cinderella

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Once there was a young girl named Ella, she lived with her father happily. Then her father started seeing this single mom with two daughters. Ella's dad, like other parents, thought that the fact that they are girls of the same age means that they would be the bestest of friends. He was very very wrong. 

"Ella! Jessica and her daughters are coming over for the weekend!" My Dad calls me from the bottom of the stairs. I groan and plant my face in my pillow. Jessica had been slowly spending more and more time at our house. I'm afraid that she might eventually move in. I stand up and look in the mirror. My mother's ice blue eyes gaze back at me. I sigh and pull my reddish brown hair into a messy ponytail. Jessica and her daughters, Jessabelle and Alexandra, are not the greatest people. Jessica is actually okay, she would make a good mother, but Jessabelle and Alexandra are terrible. They are rude, inconsiderate, manipulative, and just plain mean. I also think I saw Alexandra vaping. 

I lift my honers bio textbooks and math notebook from my bed and put them in my closet with my backpack. I put my earbuds in my ears and play my favorite playlists while stepping down the stairs to make some breakfast. I see Dad sitting at his desk eating some toast and drinking some coffee. I give him a little wave but he doesn't notice. I make an omelette and sit down at the table to eat it. 

Ten minutes later there is a knock at the door. Dad leaps up from his desk and goes to open it. Jessica and her black hearted daughters step into my house. 

"Ella, why don't you and the girls go up to your room?" I roll my eyes and go up to room, Jessabelle and Alexandra follow.  I sit on my bed and doodle in my sketchbook while the girls amuse themselves with my small collection of makeup. 

"Ella! Your eyeshadow is too warm for my complexion." Jessabelle complains.

"Ella! You don't have any blue lipsticks!" Alexandra pouts.

"Jessabelle! We have different complexions! Of course I don't have one that matches yours perfectly! Alexandra! I don't need blue lipstick!" I mock them. They glare at me. I ignore them. 

"Rude." I hear Alexandra mutter. I continue sketching and listening to music until they mention a party. Like a nice party, not one with drugs, alcohol, and jumping to the beat of over-rated music, but one with nicer clothes, actual dancing, and real music. I pull out my earbuds and listen more closely. 

"I have no idea how to ballroom dance, but how hard can it be?" Jessabelle. I smirk. Dad taught me to ballroom dance, they have no idea how hard it is to not step on someone's toes. 

"I'm pretty sure you just put your hands on his shoulder and you hold the other and spin in circles." Alexandra says. She is very wrong. 

"Okay good because I do not want to make a fool of myself in front of Ryan." Ah, of course Ryan is going to be there. He's know as 'Prince Charming' at school. He's in my geometry class, he really isn't the greatest person, disrespects the teacher, talks in class, texts his friends in class, general nuisance. All the girls like him, well, I don't. 

"When is the dance again?"

"Friday, it starts at eight and goes to sunrise." Oh, Dad never lets me stay out that late. 

The weekend goes slowly. The girls bug me on what I'm wearing, steal my clothes, and act like little angels infront of Dad and Jessica. I almost jump with joy when they start packing their things. I quickly nab my favorite shirt  and a few of my hair ties from their suitcases before they leave. I exhale when they finally leave my house. 

"Dad?" I ask at dinner, He looks up from his chicken parmesan  "There's a formal dance on Friday, can I go?" 

"Where is is?" He asks. "When is it, who's going to be there?" 

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