73) Disappearing Power

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"And you also gained from it as well. You would have never found Octarians to also be friendly unless you fought Rose that day. You would have never met me or Pearl or Marina unless you had been given access to us as an agent. You lost some things, sure - but you also gained quite a bit of valuable allies."

"Even so, what I lost was really dear to me. I don't want to do it again."

"This would be the last time, Tess. You, as Agent 4 can end this. Just finish that battle, and inkopolis is saved."

I did not make a reply at this. Both of us knew that Zen had made a valid argument. I just about finished emptying the box. However, the last item broke my heart to see.

"Oh." Zen was distracted from our conversation. "You found that?"

"I'm sorry. I'll put it back in the box-"

"Put in on the shelf, along the entrance of the apartment. Like you, I don't want to forget."

I did as she told. What I saw that made me feel so uncomfortable could never have been present at a worse time. It was a photo of both Zen and Rose in Octo-valley, as they smiled togethor with gleeful faces.

"Must be a fond memory. I have one of Rachel and me; it's just like that."

"It is a good memory." Zen stood up to peer into it. "The day we were ready to leave Octo-valley, we took a picture to remember our past home. We saw ourselves as peace makers. This image was going to be a reminder for us to keep pushing forward, up until we were in the location of that moment - in a friendly circumstance."

"But it all went downhill."

"Correct." Zen went back to the pile of boxes. "If it's not too much to ask, I would like you to be in the next photo."


"You were a good friend of Rose. I believe she would be at peace if you joined me to the new photo." It was flattering to hear this.

"Of course."

We smiled. It was times like these where all of us could hold onto each other. Zen, upon looking at my hard working self, finally spoke once more.

"We're all counting on you, Tess." The photo still stood tall when she said this. "I know that you used to always dream of this happening. So I'll just say this now - I trust you with all I can."

"I know you all do. It's just... I don't want amy of you to trust me. Not now of all times..."

Upon the night sky:

I was walking. Somehow, by a stroke of luck, I managed to stay up till 8pm. It was too late to be awake. With the curfew set up in inkopolis now, I had to make it home or else I'd have been treated as suspicious. The lights helped. I could still see due to the streetlights. Now it was my chance to quickly dash home.

In the middle of my walk, I began thinking to myself. Marie had planned exactly as I accused her of doing. It felt surreal. I said those things out of spite and anger. All of those words and yet somehow it turned out I was correct. Marie didn't care for any of us. Only Callie. Would I have done the same for Rachel?

Suddenly, I stopped. I could not answer my own question. My mind spent for what seemed like hours pondering this question. Marie cared for her cousin as I had cared for Rachel. Actually, was it more or less? I did not know. I would never know.

Black. I saw black. The lights had turned off. I quickly took out my phone and used the torch on it. Quickly dashing through my street, I passed by Koy's house. His window was open. He looked at me astonished.

Splatoon 2: Octo RisingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz