30. Proper Apology

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Marina's POV:

Nothing beats jamming to some sick old octarian beats whilst writing up some new lyrics for our new album. Normally it would put most artists off when listening to music whilst writing music but not me, it felt like it actually helped me. Pearl came into the room I was at.


"Yo Pearlie!!!"

"Some how I feel like you should get some sleep. I just came to get water and besides, when we have ebb and flow to get us along we don't have to worry about other songs!"

"Pearl, we can't get a living just by ONE song. We have to make more!"

"Whatever, I just think sitting on a computer screen all night long to write lyrics seems...unhealthy, especially with that whacked up screen..."

"Huh, what do you mean? This is the most high-tech computer that the inkling society has, naturally I improved it."

"You improved too much...look!"

I stared at the computer screen. The screen was fizzing out like crazy to the point where it was pitch black with only white lines leading in every few seconds to show it was still on.


Pearl leaned over and looked over the screen for a few seconds.

"You think it's the whole Zapfish thing or something?"

"How can it be? For the past few says we've been getting more electricity then usual!"

"I guess we know who to thank for that, but explain this please. Your all technical with stuff so just explain, please!?"

I looked over at the screen until finally setting my hands on the keyboard and typing in a code I had installed ages ago, this was in case any virus had touched my computer. The chip I installed in my computer would automatically make a last-ditch effort to find the code of the entire computer, from there it would be a last attempt for me to fix it from there.

The screen loaded up and I managed to see the bright green font that was the coding.

"Yeah Marina, I'm not sure that there's meant to be red in the code...and changing letters."


There it was, our issue. There were three words in the particular source code that were changing colour and and shape. I tired to click on it to see if I could change it and erase it but instead the letters were going by faster. Maybe...


I scrambled my chair and dashed to my room were I opened my drawer and found my old goggles from when I was part of the octarian army. Before I left the latest model let me track and solve codes and I was lucky I left at that time. I got back in the room and put on my glasses.

It only took a few seconds for it to solve it but my eyes were widened when I found the message:

"Call from: Subway

Was this the subway I was thinking of?

Another quick mad dash was made as my finger hit the enter button and we finally fixed the computer.

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