Chapter Three

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      America arrived at the office on time today. Canada was waiting for him at the entrance. When he spotted Mica he waved, but then his face suddenly changed. "Ame... are you limping?" Canada ran over and turned into something like a worried mother. "Are you okay! What happened! Do you need a doctor!" America put his hands on his hips and swung his body to his good leg in a sassy way. "Yes, not important, probably not. Listen Nada I'm fine!" America laughed at his brother. Nada just glared at him with a look that said, I'm worried so you better tell what's wrong before I embarrass you.... Mica blew him off, much to Nada's dismay.

     America fished his aviators (sunglasses) out of his bag and placed them on his face, in an attempt to cover the bags under his eyes. Not only were they hideous, they would probably attract unwanted attention from his family and friends at work.

     Time to enter another day of torture. Please let the day pass quickly so that I can go home. Ame prayed. And then they entered the meeting.

     There were actually several meetings scheduled for that day, back to back. During the first one, America fell asleep. During the second meeting the states called because Nevada burned their lunch. By the third, Mica's leg was throbbing and had started bleeding again, he had probably ripped a stitch. The pain made it impossible to focus. "Mr. America... America... UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!" UN was extremely pissed by now. From her point of view, America was slacking off and had no excuse. America snapped back to attention. "Ye-" "HONESTLY! COULD YOU FOCUS ON YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ONE MEETING!!!" UN was furious at the superpower and was full on yelling. Mica just sat there frozen, he didn't really know how to respond. No one but his dad and Russia had the audacity to raise their voice towards him. He just sat there and let her yell, exactly what he did with his kids. "YOU ARE SO IMMATURE. LATE TO EVERYTHING. FALLING ASLEEP EVERYWHERE. YOU PROBABLY STAY UP LATE PLAYING VIDEO GAMES OR SOMETHING... WHY AREN'T YOU RESPONDING... SAY SOMETHING!" Mica took a deep breath and let it out. "Ms. UN. If I were you, I would lower my voice this instant..." America set his elbows on the counter and allined his fingers into a tent position, a small smile creeped onto his face. "We're all civilized here right..." UN stepped back a little stunned at the freedom country's reaction. Frankly she expected his to scream and pout or something similar. "Now. What was your question?" America asked calmly. "I asked what solutions you have to the continued issues with North Korea." UN replied. "North Korea, while they do have nukes, they won't take any action. We hold our ground, not yielding to them, but also not attack them. That is what my country is doing." America said. UN scoffed, satisfied with his answer but still angry with him.

     The meeting ended not long after that and everyone got up to leave. Mica pushed himself up, steadying himself on the table. He noticed that a few countries had stayed behind. Suspiciously, they were his closest friends, Canada, Japan, Germany, South Korea and Italy. They all walked up to him. "Now... vhat the hell vas dat? " Germany asked. All of them looked at him with worried expressions. Except for Canada, he was glaring at Mica. "You know, I knew something was wrong! You rarely yell at someone. Why do you refuse to tell us? We're your friends, your best friends, you can rely on us." Mica smiled at his friends. He knew they cared about him, but he couldn't tell them. "There are burdens you bear alone." He said in a flat tone before turning around and marching out the door.

Mexico's POV

     I ran warm water over my hands, scrubbing them with soap. I always used the bathroom after a meeting. It had almost turned into a tradition, and I always made sure to go to the farthest bathroom. The one nobody ever went into. There wasn't any serious reason why I did this, I just liked my privacy.

     I moved to leave, but noticed I left my satchel in the stall I used. I walked back to get it when I heard someone enter the bathroom. Peeking around the corner I saw a tall man. He had a nice figure with broad shoulders and hips. But this wasn't the first thing I notice. He had himself braced against the wall and blood leaking through his black slacks. His head was ducked down, blonde hair hanging in his face.

     "Mierda!" I exclaimed as I ran up to him. I placed my hands on his shoulders, trying to support him. "Are you okay!" He turned his head towards me. "Mex? Did I walk into the wrong restroom? I would've sworn this was the mens'." What the heck! America! I didn't recognize him at first because of his hologram. What did he do to himself this time! "That's what you're worried about? You're hurt you idiot!" He looked at me with a look of both panic and relief. " I'm not." He started to push himself back up to his full height. "See? I'm f-" His leg buckled and started to give out under him. I slid my hands under his arms and hauled him back up. "No you're not you asshole!" I replied. "Sit the hell down!" He stared at me for a moment, I could almost hear the gears in his head clicking. For a split second, the man in front of me was a different person. He wasn't the same immature, life-of-the-party person I had known. He reminded me of the America I had met so many years ago. The young, strong-willed country I had looked up to as I won my independence from Spain. The weak country that was building his empire, manifest destiny (google it if you don't understand). And in that second, I was terrified. But then I slipped away. "Come on Mex!" He said in an almost sing-song tone. "It's just a scratch. I'm a little drunk wight now." Mica said, slurring his words. "Really?" I asked. "Soooo you didn't collapse because of the blood leaking down your leg?" I raised my eyebrow sarcastically. "Yup!" He replied.


"Why do you care?"

"The most powerful country in the world being out of commission is definitely going to affect me and everyone else. I'd rather not have another crisis on our hands."

"That's legitimate. But I'm not out of commission, I'm fine."

"At least let me drive you home."

"I can drive myself."

"Would you rather have me call Canada." He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Mexico... don't you dare. I don't need him hovering over me like an overprotective mom."

"Okay then. I'll help you to my car."

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