Chapter Two

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     Mica's expression was laced with pain and his leg had started to bleed in the same spot as Tennie's had. She started to cry. "Why did you do that... you'll hurt now!" She cried. He smiled at her "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine! I'm your big strong dad!" Delaware and Texas came back into the room stunned. There sat their little sister completely fine! "I took her injury this time." Mica said, mostly to Dela because he was the oldest.

     America tried to stand but fell. Dela and Tex caught him. Alaska came from outside to help them carry their dad. They took him upstairs and into his bedroom. Massachusetts and Delaware bandaged their dad and stopped the bleeding, they even stitched his wounds closed.

      America's life was not in any danger, his kids made sure of that, he was just in a lot of pain. He took tons of pain killers and was pretty drowsy but still aware.

     This was bad. He didn't know if he could make it to the meeting they had planned tomorrow. He had to go, it was his job! Plus his brother was already worried about him. He couldn't let him find about about his children. He would worry about him and about his well being. America wanted to hide the states, to protect them, but his role as a country made that so hard. He always had work to do. He wishes he could hire a babysitter or a nanny, but the only other adult he could trust around his kids were the two teachers that came in every couple days to teach. Little hiccups, like unexpected injuries, made protecting the states difficult. He couldn't go to a hospital and leave everyone unsupervised for so long and he can't stay home and risk Canada come looking for him. He had to just suffer through the pain.

     He bandaged his leg up tightly, grinding his teeth. He also gave himself a painkiller shot right in the leg. Something a little stronger for the long day ahead of him.

     America was up early. It was four in the morning. He limped down the stairs and walked into the kitchen and got out the eggs and bacon. Nothing had changed, he still had to make breakfast. His leg ached and throbbed and he could hear his heartbeat in his ear. He was pushing bacon around the pan when his spatula was taken out of his hand. "No" someone said from beside him. Little Rhode Island stood there. "You're hurt. We're cooking today." Mica smiled as three more stated came up behind him, Hawaii, Connecticut and Kansas. "We got this dad!" Kansas smiled, "Yeah you go rest papa" Connecticut agreed. "I can cook!" Hawaii exclaimed. America put his hands up in defeat, smiling the whole time. He limped to the couch and sat in a way that he could monitor the states. He was so tired and before long, fell asleep.

     He awoke to a heavenly smell. Bacon wafted into the living room and into the freedom country's nose. It was now daylight outside. Mica raised his head to see some states sitting in the living room. Cali was watching TV and Nevada sat next to her. He also felt different. The states and elevated his leg for him and were icing his wound. It was only then that he realized the warm thing curled into his side. He looked down and saw Tennessee curled into his side asleep. He smiled and put his arm around her and she woke at his touch. "Oh, did I wake you. I'm sorry." America chuckled. Tennesee looked at her Dad's face in confusion. She then started to tear up, her face contorting into a sob. "I'm s-so... s-sorry dad... y-your h-hurting because of m-me..." She cried. "What are you talking about. This is definitely not your fault. Accidents happen. You did nothing wrong." Mica spoke softly to his daughter. "I'm not mad at you. No one is mad at you. You shouldn't feel sad. So don't cry." America pressed his forehead against his daughter's and she immediately stopped crying. She giggled sadly and jumped off the couch, "Okay!" she said and ran off to play with Ohio.

     America limped into the kitchen and saw a few of his kids still finishing off their breakfast. He sat down at the table to eat and chat with his kids before he left for work. "Good Morning y'all" "Morning dad." they replied. New York was falling asleep and was about to fall into his food. America reached over and caught his head as he fell. "What... I'm up! I'm up!" New York said. His siblings laughed at him and Mica chuckled. "What did you stay up doing this time?" He asked. "Homework actually. At least it was productive." NY sighed sleepily. Jersey moved to poke NY in the face, claiming he was 'keeping him awake'.

     Mica moved to go upstairs and get ready for work. Delaware stopped him on the stairs, "Are you going to work?"

"Of course I am..."

"You sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine. Don't cha' worry bout me." America's slight southern accent slipped through. He used his natural accent around his kids, which switched from a southern accent to a New York accent. It was strange, but it made his kids laugh whenever it switched suddenly.

"Okay..." Delaware said wearily.

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