Chapter One

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      America sprinted into a large office building. His briefcase had papers sticking out of every end and he had a couple posters gathered in his arms. He wound through the halls, twisting and turning until he reached a set of double doors. Bursting through them, he entered a large room with a big circular table in the middle. He tapped the side of his glasses, releasing the hologram that hid his stars and stripes behind regular skin.

     "Mr.America... wonderful of you to join us." Said a tall, commanding woman at the head of the table. "Mind tell us why you're late... again... for the fourth time this week?" Her sky blue hair waved back and forth as she shook her head. "Ummmm... I was caught in traffic... you guys know I live pretty far away..." A way over-dressed man glared at him. "You live thirty minutes away." He had a British accent. "Not with traffic Dad." Mica shot back mockingly. Why he agreed to take a job where he was working with his dad he didn't know. They were sooooo different and didn't get along throughout America's childhood. "Just... please sit down..." a VERY tall man said. Yeah, he also worked with his brother. He didn't mind his brother, in fact Canada was his very best friend.

     America sat down next to his bro who kept shooting him sideways glances. He obviously wanted to say something to him, but wouldn't speak during the meeting, he was as polite as always.

     The meeting proved very uneventful. Economy blah blah... Relations blah blah... and you can't forget good ol' global warming. Mica rolled his head around on his hand. His eyelids started to get heavy and before long his head slipped down and slammed on his desk. His brother looked at him with a worried expression, "Ame, you okay?" America drowsily look at his brother. He skipped the coffee this morning and was regretting it. "Uhhh... yeah I'm good!" He replied way too cheerfully. He was so tired. By now he probably has been up over 24 hours, but who's counting?

    The meeting continued, Mica straining to stay awake. Before he knew it, it was over and everyone started to leave for lunch. He quickly gathered his things and scurried out the door before everyone else. He heard his brother yelling for him to stop for a second, but he ignored it. Loading everything into his car, he hit the road. 40 short minutes later he had picked up the giant subway order he made earlier today and pulled into the driveway.

     A small boy walked outside, he had a younger girl gathered up in his arms. The little girl had a tropical flower in her hair and the boy had a winter hat on. "Papa!" The little girl exclaimed. America climbed out of the car as the girl leaped out of her brother's arms and ran into her dad's. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "How's my little Hawaii doing!" Mica exclaimed. "I'm good" she said, "But Flor's Alligator bit Tennie's leg and he's bleeding." Hawaii said very nonchalantly. "WHAT!!!" Mica exclaimed. He set Hawaii down and rushed inside. Alabama, Texas and Georgia were all on top of Florida's pet Alligator pinning him to the ground. Ohio had a blanket pressed against Tennie's leg, blood seeping through. Florida was just watching from the side, looking like she was going to have a small panic attack. The rest of America's children were out of sight or sitting on the couch plugging their ears or crying.

    Seeing the chaos of his house, Ame jumped into action. He grabbed a roll of duct tape out of the kitchen and sprang on the Alligator, signaling his three kids to clear the area. He wrestled the gator back and forth. Mica had broad shoulders and strong hands and was able to tape the gator's mouth shut. By this point Tex had got his laso out of his room and was helping his dad tie up the gator's limbs and calming him down. Eventually they got him up and into his enclosure.

     Now for the difficult part, Tennessee's injury. Mica rushed to his two children. Tennessee was delirious and Ohio was bawling his eyes out. Mica told Delaware to go get the bandages and medical supplies. It was only then that Mica peeled the bloodied blanket away from Tennie's leg. He had a lot of puncture wounds and a small chunk of his thigh was missing. "Shhh... It's okay... daddy's here, everything is gonna be okay..." Tennie looked at Mica with pleading eyes. For most of the scrapes his kids got he bandaged them up and they were fine, this was different. So he did something he never did... he used his ability. He has a special ability to take away any physical pain his children felt, he could absorb their injury.

     America placed his hand on Tennie's leg and closed his eyes. Tennessee suddenly got quiet and her wound started to glow. Slowly, her flesh started to stitch itself back together and heal. The pain was gone... she sat there stunned. She smiled and was happy, until she looked at her dad's face.

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