Though Marcus couldn't go into the Ether with him, he was able to communicate with Scott when he was inside. Thank God for astral projections. Minhyuk didn't actually think the ability was stupid. It came in handy. It was special.

Alex stayed by Marcus's side until his eyes closed, and he then turned towards Thalia. "Are you being a jerk towards Marcus because you used to have a crush on him?" He wasn't being mean towards the girl, not all! He just wanted to know what was going on so he could help solve it. Thalia had gotten really annoyed with them, and he wanted to know what was up. He wanted to fix it.

"If you think I give a shit about Marcus right now, you would be wrong", Thalia shrugged. "Get out of my face, Alex. Because, the way I feel right now, I could punch someone. And if you keep talking to me about something so stupid, it might just be you." She wouldn't actually hit anyone, never. Not when it came to them, anyway. She knew Alex only wanted to get to the bottom of it. But it wasn't her secret to tell. And that fact alone was stressing her the hell out.

"Oookay, how about we all take a break", Estelle suggested. She walked over and placed her hands on Thalia's shoulders. "Come over here with me, yeah? Let's take a breather." Thalia reluctantly allowed herself to be led away. She was always more relaxed in Estelle's presence.

While everyone else separated for the moment, Hal snuck over and placed his hands on Mason's shoulders. "Ah!" Mason fumbled for the camera, barely able to keep it from falling. The dark haired boy sighed in relief when realizing that it was only Hal. "Jeez, Hal, you scared the shit out of me."

"That's kinda the point", Hal grinned cheekily. "I know we haven't really talked lately, I wanted to know how you were doing after what you saw last night. I'd like it if you put the camera down for once. Walk with me?"

"I'm okay." He stuck out a pale hand, which Mason wasted no time in taking. "Yeah. Totally." The two began walking away. It's not like they would be needed for a while anyway. They took the time to enjoy talking to each other.


The Ether was a cold and dark place

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The Ether was a cold and dark place. It was the stop right between Hell and Heaven where the most wicked hung out, too bitter to move on. When Scott arrived there, a lantern was waiting on him, as always. He picked it up, the flame flickered a little.

"Scott, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, Marcus, I hear you. You can go, you know. I really don't need your help." He didn't see the point of having Marcus exert himself if he didn't need to. All this was doing was tiring the dark haired boy out.

"No can do. If something happens, I need to know."

"Whatever then", Scott mumbled. As long as he got Athos.

Scott continued walking until Ms. Gilinsky's house rose in the distance. A version of it anyway. It was like their dimension, but backwards. He found a girl, drenched in water near a wrecked car, standing before it. She looked depressed. But who wouldn't be depressed if they had a rain cloud constantly drenching them? "Oh, hi. Are you Susan?" She nodded. "Gonna take a wild guess and say it's not you who took my friend from your grandma's house. Any idea who's in there?"

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