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6 years later

Dwaine one latè for table 6 I say as I put down the latè on the plate he nods and grabs to serve it.
Hello, how can I help you I ask as I put on a friendly smile? "A cappuccino please I nod and go to the machine we use it's brand new and we really worked hard to get it. We have a few interns but other than us no one works here we keep up the rent. "Dwaine cappuccino table 2," I say as he runs back. Then Rowena walks in and I can finally take my break. "Rowena please take over?" I ask and she nods I smile back. I grab my coat and walk out with the coffee I made for myself.

I take in the nice air as I walk around with my coffee. I think about years ago with Beetlejuice sometimes, but the more the years pass the more I start to believe it less and less.

Also, the first year was a mess really a mess and I shouldn't have spent my time as I did back then. Eating my feelings and barely coming outside. I'd like to think I'm making up for that time right now.

I love working at my shop even though my monthly payment gets taken every month not all of it but a pretty large amount. See we hire the place so every month the owner comes and takes his money but of course no without making a scene like he always does.

"Dwaine, Rowena I'm back," I shout as I walk in and I immediately hide my face as I notice that there are like always people sitting and drinking their coffee while giving me a weird look. "Sorry," I say and quickly walk back to put my jacket back.


"Wasn't he supposed to come today?" I ask Dwaine who is cleaning the last bit while I sit on my phone playing my games as usual. "Speak of the devil," Dwaine says as the door opens and it's. "Steven, have you come again for the monthly payment?" I ask and he irritated rolls his eyes. "Why else?" He asks looking with dead eyes at me. "Calm down why don't you sit down then I'll get it for you." He doesn't and I go get the money, but instead of taking the money he takes my wrist and I let out a small squeal of pain. A hand appears on his shoulder as he gets pulled down into the floor leaving a small crack in it. I look up to the guy who helped me. "Hey babes, missed me?" I feel tears creep into my eyes as I go to hug him." "What took you so long I almost thought you weren't real." "That hurts, but also I'll always be real and didn't I tell you to keep an eye on her." He turns to Dwaine. "Hey, you're back wow. That took long." "Shut up."

"You know Y/n, there is something we never did." "What?"

Then he leans in as he puts his lips on mine. His lips are soft and gentle. He pulls back, but before he gets to, I pull him back a deeper kiss than before. Eventually, he does pull back his breathing heavy from only kissing. "I think I like grown-up you." He says in a smirk and wink.

"Let's continue this when they close this book." He winks making me confused, but I just chuckle and nod.

Done I finished it the motivation went a little away a couple of chapters ago, but I hate it when people just stop or discontinue a story so I finished it🥰

This message is written 27-12-2020:
I'm so happy with all the support I get from you guys some of you only read and some also comment(making me laugh a lot of the time) others vote and I'm thankfull for all I honestly don't know why people vote as I don't know why that function is there, but I love ya'll. this story means so much to me and even more as so many people seem to like it.

I changed to she/he to they them I first didn't know about they them, but when I found out after a while I started working on rewriting this.

A lot of shit goes on in my life and I hope my stories or any other give you joy and a safe space.

If you need to talk or have a hard time my dm's are open. 

This is getting too long. Bye, love y'all

Poltergeist (beetlejuice x Reader) ✔️ completedWhere stories live. Discover now