Part 5

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I feel warmth but only on one side of my face as the other feels not cold, but also not warm.
I don't want to open my as I'm afraid that the warmth will disappear if I do. The warmth and smell reminds me of Beetlejuice only saying his name not the even out loud makes me cry a little. Could the warmth be him? I mean it smells the same and it feels familiar.
But then I'm forced to open my eyes due to a bump. Right I'm in a bus and I'm going on a field trip. I look beside me and see Jaden stare at me. "Uhm, so how was your sleep." He asks trying to start a conversation. "Good I slept really comfortable." I answer with a smile. Shit, "I mean I always sleep comfortable not that I only slept comfortable just then." I burst out and then stopping myself. I ruined it and I bang my head against the class of the window a little too hard. "Are you okay?" He asks laughing, I rub the spot on my head and then nod.


We finally arrived and now everyone was grabbing their stuff and waiting outside for further instructions. Some started smocking or playing gameson their phone till eventually one of the teacher came.

"Okay, everyone listen up please. We are staying here for 5 days and we'd like to keep the place clean since we're renting it and it's not ours. Do you understand?" Everyone stays quiet to lazy or to tired to say anything. "Do you understand?" She asks again now a more serious and threatening tone. "Yes" everyone shouts. "Okay good so now the girls will be in the left side of the hall, the boys on the right and everything else midway everyone picks their own room. Each room has 4 beds." Everyone starts running to their new room and I just walk just like Dwaine, Jaden, and a few other people.
I walk into the first room and full of people I decide to walk all the way to the back as it's the best change that those aren't full and I'm right. There are 2 double beds and 1 sink with a mirror very little but till now I'm the only one here. I only have my backpack as It has enough for me in it to survive as pjs and little snacks.

It was almost 7 pm and everyone was hungry, so everyone started going outside again as we hoped the teachers had something for us.
Coming outside we saw they already had set a few tables where people were already starting to sit, and some students even helped the teachers set down the plates and get food to the table. I sat down next to Dwaine and he stared at his food. "Why are you staring?" "Do you think it's poisoned?" He asks back making me laugh a little. "Why would they do that?" I say laughing louder, but only so that only the people next to me hear it. "You never know peoples true intentions." He shrugs, grabbing a fork and start to eat as do I. It feels like straight out of a television school cafeteria.


The next day the alarm they set off was annoying as fuck, but also made me laugh.

I get up and go outside as that is probably where we eat. I don't even bother changing out of my pjs since they're just a hoodie with jogging pants.
As I'm outside as first I'm shocked to see something new on the side of the building. Sprayed on the wall was the principals name with a baby sprayed next to it. "Uhm...." That's odd, why would someone do that? Even though it's a school to prevent people from going to juvie. Next Jaden walks out and stands next to me looking at the same wall. "Some people really want attention, huh?" He says and sits down. "Do you know who did it?" He shrugs and more people start to come and see the same paint on the wall some laughed, some were discussed, and others didn't care and just wanted to eat.

Then as people were eating the teachers came out and grabbed Jaden. "Jaden Byall you are under suspicion for spray painting the walls, so you'll need to come with us." He let out a small mad grin. "Why would I do that?" "That's for you to tell us, also we have witnesses that say that they saw you outside tonight." "That doesn't mean I did it though." In his eyes something familiar is able to be seen like he's going crazy and he's enjoying it. Then the teacher tries to get him by force, but he quickly stands up as the teacher tries to catch his breath. Then everyone who's to fair away to see anything and stands up to get a closer look and the people to close also stand up not wanting to get to close as do I.
Then another teacher comes to help but he just fails again still getting a good punch that hits Jaden.

"You know what I'm going fuck ya'll." He says in a mad voice like he's about the fall of the edge. Then he walks off into the woods. "You come back right now Jaden Byall, or you know we have to use force. "Can they do that?" I ask Dwaine who is standing next to me. "Yes, it's a school for troubled kids what did you expect that they just sweet talk everything or talk it out."
Jaden looks around and locks eyes with me for some reason. "Try" he says to the teachers and runs off.

Poltergeist (beetlejuice x Reader) ✔️ completedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora