Part 4

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Early update 🤪

"Okay time is up so you may leave now."
We walk out together, and he's immediately greeted by 5 girls. "I'm sorry ladies I have no time today." "Come on, please you promised." One of the girls pouted. He looks at me with a questioning look. I wave and walk away feeling everything, but comfortable especially with him looking like that.
Seconds later I feel someone grab my hand making me gasp out of shock. "Let's go together." He says making me already think of him. "No thanks." I say trying to free my hand. "Come on, I promise I'll be good." He pouted while holding his hands up. Without saying anything I walk away with him now letting go of my hand and following me.

He looks so much like him, but then just a younger version it's making me very nervous. Just when I started to begin to think less and less about him. He showed up.

"Are you okay? You seem kinda, sweaty." "Am I sweating?" I quickly feel my damp forehead, shit. "Yeah, it's just stress of school and everything also I still know nothing about camp." "Oh, do you wanna know?" I give him a weird look and then nod. "We're taking a school bus and we'll be going to a forest or somewhere where a camp is set up." "But were you in class, cause I kinda held you up probably making you also miss the class, so how can you know?" "I don't care that much about class." He chuckles "and I've already done this year last year," he shrugs. "But tell me something about you?" He says leaning towards me. "Thanks, but no thanks." I say pushing him back a little without him resisting. "Will you tell me someday?" He says coming closer again making me take a few steps back until my back hits the lockers. "What are you doing?" "You know, I've never felt this way before." He states making less and less comfortable with the second. "Felt what way? I ask, feeling my stomach twist into a knot. Why does he resemble him so much even now? "Like you're the only one who I can really talk to." His head gets closer our noses are almost brushing each other. "P--" words seem to leave me. "What was that?" Again, he resembles him so much. His personality is almost the same as his and he looks like a younger version of him.

"Please stop." I say as he looks me in the eye his eyes widen. "Are you okay?" He asks taking a step back. "Yes," I say as I take a deep breathe. "Then why are you crying?" "It's nothing, don't worry about it." "I'm sorry." He apologies, making me look up to him. "I didn't know you were sensitive. "I'm not." I say giving him a look and he holds up his hands in surrender. "What do you think I'm sensitive to?" I ask curiously, "Nothing." He smiles warmly. "I'll see you later." He Winks and then leaves with no shame and as if nothing happened. Why does life hate me?

One week later

"Hey, Y/n!" I hear Be-Jaden shout from afar. I turn around to see him waving big at me while running towards me.
"Do you want to sit next to me in the bus?" He asks childishly. "How old are you?" I laugh, "it depends the time." He winks and then suddenly someone stands before me making me only see his shirt. I look up to see Dwaine blocking my view. "Sorry, but they're gonna sit next to me." He says while grabbing my wrist and walks the other way. "Why is he talking to you?" Dwaine asks in almost a panicky voice. "Why are you so stressed out?" "Why aren't you? He's trouble big, big trouble." I give him a weird look. I've known him for a week and never a red flag only once in a while he would be to much for me. "And how do you know, a rumor?" "No, personal experience." "Listen okay he's is not the person you think he is. He has some serious issues." And he walks away.


Walking into the bus I can't find Dwaine anywhere. I hope he's alright. What he said still rings in my ear. 'He has some serious issues.' Then a tight grip pulls me down making me fall on a seat. "Sorry, I didn't know you'd fall." B-Jaden says laughing awkwardly. "That's ok, I didn't know you'd push me down." I say back at him making him laugh less awkward. "Did you see Dwaine? I can't find him." He laughs again. "He's in the back, I think you were to much in your own head to notice." He laughs again.

10 min later

Jaden POV

"Hey, are you awake?" I whisper to them, no response. Then out of a awesome fast reflex I grab their head that almost hit the window and lay it on my shoulder so that they can lay more comfortably.

Poltergeist (beetlejuice x Reader) ✔️ completedWhere stories live. Discover now