Part 1

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Two years later

Did he have green hair, the man in the suit? I don't remember if he had green hair maybe it could've been him. I feel like it should've been him.

After the funeral, everyone saw me as a poor soul whose boyfriend died. Not like it isn't true, but I don't want people to pity me.

Even Barbara and Adam left me after I got home that day, my mom got even busier and Dwaine and I lost touch what was obviously going to happen after everything with Jared, so it was just me, but after a while being a mess got boring so now, I handle myself pretty well. He still comes to mind from time to time, but the school has got me so busy with all the quizzes and homework and it's not normal the amount I get.

I got transferred a lot from school to school and I'm about to be transferred again. Just you wait.

"Nick!" I snap out of my thoughts "What do you want now Y/n? This is like the 10th time you called can't you just be quiet?" "No, why does it take so long? We need to get this over with quickly! You know I hate doing this." "Almost just wait one more second." Nick and I've known each other ever since Beetlejuice had died. I had to be transferred to a different school, because of what happened. I owe him a favor for not letting the school know about what happened with Beetlejuice and his hacking skills are quite good so now I'm here with him changing his grades and other kids so that they also owe a favor to him. It's smart.

"Okay, I'm done." He quickly grabs his bag, and we go out through the window that we also came in.

"Well, was fun." "Yeah, but I don't want to do it again. I don't like the feeling of being able to get caught." I say nervous and still kinda on edge.

"Don't worry if you go home now and come back tomorrow no one will ever know or notice." I nod believing him and hoping what he says will be what happens tomorrow.

When I come home, I immediately jump on the couch and turn on the tv still trying to calm my nerves from earlier.

next day
I miss him. I really miss him even though he can be a pervert. Before my mind can go further my phone buzzes. NICK
Y/N I got caught

Shit, what now?

Don't worry I'll let them think I am the only one who did this not a word about this in school just act as nothing happened.

Thanks, I owe u one. Again

Next day

I hope Nick's alright. "Miss(ter) L/N come to my office." The principal says through the speaker. Thanks, privacy why do we have speakers what about protecting the student's privacy.


"You asked me to come?" "Yes, please sit down." Shit, shit, I need to remember what Nick said about acting as if nothing happened. "Where were you after school hours? Were you perhaps in school?" "No why'd you ask?" "Well, we really don't like liars mix L/N." "We saw your face on the security cameras so there is no need to deny." Well, this sucks. "So, what now?" I ask giving up denying it. "I see you got transferred 2 times once, because of an accident and the other, because you didn't behaveto Juvie." "No, I'm not going to send you there, but to a different school for troublesome and lost teens." "Lost kids?" "Yes, teens who woke up with amnesia or have no home." "Then does it also have dorms?" He nods, "how can I get a dorm?" I don't want to be in that house if I must confess it reminds me too much of him and also Barb and Adam. "We'll get in touch with your mother about the rest."

A week later

He did as he told me. He discussed it with my mother and I also discussed it with my mom. I can go to the dorm. I can finally leave this house with painful memories and make new there.

One week later

"Bye honey, I'm gonna miss you come by sometimes!" My mom shouts as she leaves me alone with my luggage. Time to get inside or freeze to death.

I walk to my new room and put down my stuff. There is a brief on my bed.

Dear y/n
We welcome you to our school.
Because we don't know what time you're here we decided to give you astudent tour guide so he can tell you what it's like here and where everything is.

He will be here at 7 pm so be prepared.

It's 6:59 so he shou-

Just then a knock on the door. 

The first part is out I hope you guys enjoyed it❤️🤪

Poltergeist (beetlejuice x Reader) ✔️ completedWhere stories live. Discover now