The beginning of the end

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*Two years later*
"Athena!" Theo comes running and grabs my shoulders. "Are you excited for tonight? We are in our junior year and you still haven't found a mate yet, or even an alpha that you like! Like come on girl!" Theo has been like this since he found his mates last year at one of the meetings. "I just haven't found anybody yet Theo, it's not like I can just make the perfect alpha appear out of thin air." I love my friends very much but I am the only one left who hasn't found their mate yet and they keep hounding me to find one. "Well the first meeting of the year is tomorrow, so maybe you'll finally find them tomorrow and we can all go on huge group dates!" "Speaking of group dates, how was your date with the boys last night?" Theo somehow managed to find two mates and not just one, the lucky bastard. "Oh it was amazing! They brought me to that fancy restaurant downtown, you know the one with the low lighting that's really romantic, well they brought me there and then we went back to their place and cuddled all night long and just talked about anything and everything. It was amazing!" He sounds like a love sick puppy and it almost makes me want to puke. I start making gagging sounds and I pretend to throw up. "Oh come on! You're gonna be just like me when you finally find your mate, just you wait and see!" He yells at me. "Yea sure I will and Autumn will start talking in front of huge groups of people and not have a panic attack!" I yell as I start to run towards our favorite spot on campus, the coffee shop. Theo starts running after me saying that I'm wrong and that I'm gonna be more love sick than him when I find my mate. That's never gonna happen but I'll let him keep on believing it for now.

Our days go mostly the same way every day, we meet up in the morning for breakfast at the coffee shop, then we have class, lunch, more classes, and then spend more time at the coffee shop. We spend so much time at the coffee shop that the owners know us all by name, and now Theo has a limit of two coffees a day after an incident last year where he drank seventeen coffees in one day and almost died. After our time at the coffee shop, it goes a couple different ways. The members of our group who have mates already go on dates or hangout with their mates while the ones who don't have a mate , i.e. me, go to their dorms and read in peace. Or we all hangout all night long doing stupid things because we are all idiots. Yesterday was one of the days where everyone went on dates and I went and read for hours, tonight is movie night so we are all going to the movies and this is very similar to everyone going on dates with their mates but I'm also there and all my friends try to convince me to hurry up and find my mate like it's somehow my fault that I haven't found them yet. It's a fun time. "Athena what movie do you think we should watch?" Dawn asks, she's standing next to her mate Luna, they matched our sophomore year at the very first mandatory meeting. "Anything other than romance or romcoms." Anytime I'm not the one to pick the movie they pick a romantic movie and I have to sit there and watch everyone make out and it's nasty. "Ok what about that new horror movie you've been wanting to watch?" Theo says sandwiched between his two mates Asher and Stephen, they were so much taller than Theo that it made him look like a child next to them, and he was the tallest in our friend group who was an omega. "I don't think Autumn can handle it. Remember what happened last time we tried to watch a horror movie?" "Oh come on! I didn't react that badly!" She's standing next to her mate Melody, they realized they liked each other in the middle of our freshman year but weren't allowed to mate until our sophomore year. "Autumn you wouldn't leave my side for a whole week, it was pretty bad." Melody is only sweet to Autumn and it's actually really cute. "I promise that I will be ok! I actually sort of want to watch it." "Autumn you're only saying that because you know I want to watch it and you want to be nice. And that's sweet but we can watch something else, I can watch that movie another time when you're not here." "But I'm serious! I actually sort of want to watch it! Please, it looks really cool!" She's pleading at this point but it's not with me, she's staring into Melody's eyes, asking for permission. "Fine, but if you get scared again I'm never letting you watch another scary movie ever again." Melody says and a huge smile spreads across Autumn's face. "Ok then, let's go watch a movie!" Theo says and drags his two huge boyfriends into the theater.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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