The test

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    "Athena! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, the test results are going to be posted soon! Are you excited! What if we both end up betas! Or alphas! Oh I'm so excited! I just can't wait!" Alexa shouts in my ear as she jumps on me. "Yes Lexie I'm excited, but could you maybe not scream in my ear. Other people are starting to stare at us. Please calm down, will you?" I try to calm her down but I hardly think its gonna work, Lexie has been looking forward to this day her whole life, her whole 14 years of life, but still.
    In this world everyone takes a test at the end of middle school to determine their second gender, to see if they are an alpha, beta, or omega. A lot of it has to do with your blood type, if you are an A positive then you have a 85 percent chance of being an alpha, if you are an O negative then you have a 85 percent chance of being an omega. People with AB of any kind are most likely going to be a alpha or beta, O positive most likely going to be a beta or omega, and finally A negative is most likely going to be a alpha or beta. But there are other factors, but most people just focus on their blood type, we get taught all of this in school but hardly anyone listens. Our second genders also affect our love lives which is why Lexie is obsessed with finding out which ones we are, so she can see who our potential partners are.
    "Lexie, you know I'm probably going to be a beta like both of my parents and you will probably be an alpha like your dad. I mean look at you, you have no fear and do what ever you want when you want. Sounds like an alpha to me if I've ever heard it."
I try to explain to her again for like the thousand time. "Oh come on Athena! Can't you be a little excited about this! This is the beginning of the rest of our lives! If we end up being different things that also means we will have to go to different schools. I mean if I end up an alpha like you say then I'll have to go to the alpha school in the capital and will leave you behind! And I don't want to be without you, you're my best friend and we have always been together! Literally since we were in diapers!" Lexie isn't wrong, our mothers are friends so we have always been together, practically attached at the hip. I would be sad if we were different and had to go to different schools but I also understand that that's just how this world is. "Lexie if we end up going to different schools then I promise I will call and text you every day. Will that get you to stop screaming?" "Fine, I'll calm down." "Thank you, besides they are putting up the results right now." "What!!" She screams and then turns around towards the giant screen that will show us our fates.
    We both start looking for our names, our names are far apart, Lexie's being at the beginning with her last name being Banes, and mine being Stavros. We spot Lexie's name first "Congratulations, your an alpha just like I thought you would be." "Oh my God! My dad might finally be proud of me for once!" "Oh come on, he's proud of you all the time, he just had a hard time showing it." "Ok enough about me! Let's see what you are!" And we go right back to searching. "No, no way" I whisper to myself when I finally find my name. "Athena what is it? What are you?" "This has to be wrong, it just has to be. I have to be a beta like my parents, this can'tbe right!" "Athena it can not be that bad..." she says as she finally finds my name and sees what's next to it. "Oh Athena, this isn't a bad thing, really, it means we will both be in the capital at least" she says trying to comfort me but it's not working. My world is spinning, I keep on rereading it over and over again hoping the word next to my name would magically change into a different one because this cant't be happening to me. "My dad is going to kill me" is all I can say as I continue to stare at the screen. "Oh come on being an Omega isn't that bad. He won't kill you, he's your dad and omegas are awesome!" All of Lexie's words are just passing by me.
Omega, I am an Omega, I'm going to have to move to the capital, have to leave my family and go to a school with all of the other Omegas in the whole world. I'm going to have to mate with an Alpha, i have no choices in life. Omegas have no choices in life, they are sent to the capital and are mated to an alpha before they even leave high school, after that their lives are left in the hands of their alpha. "This cant be happening, i have dreams, crazy crazy dreams that no alpha in their right minds will let me go do! What am I supposed to do, i cant have someone control my whole life. This cant be happening to me! Lexie what am I supposed to do!" I scream as I grab her shoulders and start hyperventilating. "Look Athena, calm down. Look I'm a alpha and I would let my Omega go fallow their dreams. Not all alphas are super controlling, my dad let my mom follow her dreams! Come on, everything is gonna be ok." "Easy for you to say, your an alpha and can be with who ever you want. And you and your dad are the minority when it comes to alphas! Lexie I can't do this, I can't mate with someone who will try to control me and my dad will kill me. You know he hates omegas, he thinks they are weak and worthless, if I go home and tell him I'm an omega and I have to move to the capital, he will kill me." I am having a full blown panic attack and can't stop thinking about how mad my dad will be and how all my dreams are now out the window.
In this world alphas are the top of the food chain, they make up only 25 percent of the worlds population, next are betas who make up most of the words population with 65 percent, and then omegas who make up 10 percent. Alphas are stronger, faster, smarter, and more aggressive then the other two genders,and on the opposite hand omegas are weaker, slower, and more timid than the others, but they are usually just as smart as alphas, my dad says this is their only redeeming quality. Alphas can mate with any one, other alphas, betas, or omegas, betas can only mate with alphas and other betas, but omegas can only mate with alphas. Omegas body's will reject mate bites from anyone who's not a alpha, its why they get mates before then end of high school, to make sure they don't end up alone. Omegas can also only have one mate in their lives, its really hard for alphas to mark them in the first place and its impossible for them to be marked more than once. For an alpha to mark an omega, the omega has to be extremely close and comfortable with this alpha, they have to form a very close bond for the bite to stick. If an alpha marks an omega without there being a bond then the mark will only last a week, but during this week the omega will feel attached to the alpha and some alphas will try to use this to form a bond while the omega is like this and try to trap them into mating them. It's really horrible and it's one of the reasons I don't want to be an omega. They have it the worst in life.
"Lexie, I can't do this. Knowing my luck I'll end up with some awful alpha will trick me into mating with him and then lock me away in his house to be the 'perfect mom and house wife'. Lexie I can't , also my dad will literally disown me or try to sell me off to the fist alpha who has money." My dad isn't alway the best person, he's great if you're a fellow beta and he can be nice if you're an alpha, but if you're an omega then you're worst then the dirt under his shoes to him. "Come on Athena, I know your dad can be awful sometimes, but he's still your dad. He'll love you no matter what. I'm sure." "Lexie, what am I supposed to do? Even if my dad doesn't kill me, I still have to go to the Omega school and mate with an alpha, I can't do this, what if I just wanted to be alone my whole life, not mated to anyone?" "Oh come on Athena, you know that's not true, no on wants to be alone their whole lives, that's just sad." I never told Lexie my true dreams in life, she would call me crazy. "And besides, we are only 14, we have our whole lives ahead of us, maybe you'll change your mind, or maybe you'll find an alpha who will let you do what ever you want in life, maybe he will even what the same things as you! You never know what's gonna happen." I start to calm down, maybe Lexie is right, I mean we are only 14, anything could happen. "You know what, yea, you're right, I don't know what's gonna happen. Maybe everything will work out. Or maybe I can find a way to not get a mate and do what ever I want." "Athena!" "What? I'm looking on the bright side, like you said I don't know what's gonna happen." Athena!" I run away as she try's to grab me. "Pallas Athena Irona Stavros! Come here right now!" We start laughing as she chases me, I run to our favorite place, away from the screen, away from my fears, at least for a little bit. "You'll never catch me alive!" I scream and laugh, knowing this might be the last time we get have fun like this, because this is the beginning of the end.

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