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Virgil has always hated skin contact. He didn't like hugs, cuddles, or even high fives.

He's told all of the sides and they have all respected his personal space.

Except for Patton.

"You're touch starved!" He says. "It's okay, I'll help you." Patton wraps Virgil in a big hug.

"N-no... P-Pat-Patton... Please l-let me g-go..." Virgil whimpers, struggling against Patton's grip.

"But you're touch starved." He says, not letting go.

"N-no, I'm n-not... Pl-please let m-me go..." He continues trying to get out of Patton's arms. Patton suddenly gasps and pulls away, holding onto Virgil's shoulders with a death grip. Virgil continues to struggle.

"Are you hungry?" He asks quickly. Virgil quickly nods and Patton smiles, giving him one last hug before running off to the kitchen.

As soon as Patton disappears around the corner, Virgil makes a run for the dark sides' rooms.

Because Patton would never check there for him.


They all started avoiding Patton as much as possible since then. Patton would always yell at them when he found them, accusing them of not loving him anymore.

Thomas was having most of the effect. He got depressed and was angry a lot.

His friends were trying to help but he didn't want them to.

They haven't made a video in forever. Thomas hasn't seen his sides at all for a long time.

Logan keeps himself locked in his room most of the time. Roman is almost always with Remus or alone in his room. Virgil is always hiding away with Deceit and Remus and sometimes Roman.

Thomas finally calls them all in. Patton appears first, grinning.

"Thomas! I missed you!" He says, overly happy. Thomas sighs.

"If you missed me, why haven't you showed up recently?" He asks, before thinking. Patton's smile wavers.

"Well, I've been busy taking care of the others." He says. Thomas sighs again.

"Yeah... It's okay. I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from." Patton smiles.

"It's okay, Thomas. Sometimes, people are rude to others without meaning it." He says. Thomas bites his lip.

"Where are the others?" He asks.

"I actually don't know right now," Patton says. "Why not call them up?" Thomas nods and calls them up again. Roman is first, then Virgil, and then Logan.

Roman and Virgil look a bit nervous, glancing at Patton every so often, and Logan just looks exhausted.

"Oh! There you all are!" Patton says with false happiness. Virgil flinches and Roman gives a fake half-smile.

"Here we are..." Roman repeats.

"Where were all of you?" Patton asks, a bit sternly.

"Oh! I was just working on something with my brother. You'll never believe-" Patton cuts Roman off.

"That's all I needed, Roman." He says. Roman purses his lips, looking away.

"I was... With Roman..." Virgil mumbles, lying fluently. Patton smiles at him before looking at Logan.

"Logan, where were you?" Patton asks. Logan looks around at everyone. Patton was staring intently and Thomas was just looking at him. Roman and Virgil looked nervous for him.

He didn't want Thomas to know he had a stutter.

He quickly pulls out a notecard and a pen and writes 'Working' on it, showing it to Patton.

Patton sends him a glare but looks back at Thomas. Logan flinches, urging the notecard to disappear.

"Why did you call us all up, Thomas?" Patton asks. Thomas looks back at Patton.

"Well... I haven't seen you all in a while..." He starts. "And I suddenly got really depressed. Sometimes I have times where I get really angry and irritable for no reason." Patton looks at his fellow sides, sending a glare to each of them.

"Sorry, Thomas. The others have just been fighting recently." Patton lies, glancing at the others again. Thomas looks around at the others. Virgil purses his lips. Logan avoids eye contact. Roman, on the other hand, looks pissed off.

"Oh, really? We're the ones who's been fighting?" He snaps. Patton looks surprised, glaring at Roman.

"Roman, be quiet." He hisses.

"Or what? You'll 'cut off my tongue'?" Roman repeats. Patton glances at Thomas, who was looking at the two sides. "I'm tired of being quiet! I'm not gonna let Logan and Virgil be abused anymore!" He shouts.

"Abused...?" Thomas repeats, looking at Logan and Virgil. Logan was now closing his eyes and Virgil looked on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"R-Roman," Virgil whispers. "Leave it, it's fine."

"It isn't fine! I'm done hiding!" He says. "Patton doesn't like that we all have mental disabilities that stop us from doing things his way."

Logan still doesn't speak. Virgil stares at Roman, mortified, and Patton glares harshly at Roman.

Thomas glances at each of the sides. He finally realizes why Roman, Logan, and Virgil were so nervous.

Logan seemed to be attempting to control his breathing, eyes still closed. He opens his eyes again and summons a notecard, writing something on it and handing it to Virgil.

Thomas just then realizes how dull Logan and Roman's eyes have gotten and how much more fear has been released in Virgil's eyes.

Virgil looks at the notecard he was handed and seems to calm down.

Roman was glaring right back at Patton, standing up taller than Patton. Roman has always been a lot taller than all of the sides. He's also a lot stronger.

Patton, on the other hand, would be willing to hurt another side.

No matter what kind of relationship he had with them.

"It's over, Patton. I'm done letting you hurt Logan and Virgil. Give it up." Roman snaps. Patton laughs.

"Oh, but Roman, it isn't over, don't you know?" Patton asks. Roman is momentarily confused.

"What? How?" He asks.

"Because I know exactly how to get you to listen to me."

And just like that, Patton disappears.

But soon after, so do Virgil and Logan.

(Part two? Maybe? If I don't procrastinate on it?)

(1516 words)

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