Chapter 2 Logan

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Man I love my 2nd job, I get to talk to complete strangers that turn into friends in the future, and I also get to look at cuties like the one I just stared at since he was avoiding eye contact like everyone was out to get him if he even dared look up.

He was just too adorable for words! His short height,can't be taller than 5'1, his beautiful shiny dark red hair. I could comb my fingers through his hair for hours if only I could date him. Hm his lips were so pink I could just sink my teeth right in. God I'm turning into a creep. Settle down Logan!

Sighing and placing a smile on my lips I turned to the next person in line and the show begins anew. Working while nice is like a repeat of the same stupid order. Smile to the people, tell them their total, get the money or ask them to swipe or insert the card, give them their change and receipt and finally tell them to have a nice day.One day at a time Logan remember the weekend is calling your name.

I can't wait for the sleep to seduce me into it's arms, since I can't sleep more than 4 hours a night no matter how hard I toss and turn in my comfy bed. Maybe I should go to the doctor and get meds for this...but I don't want to go through one of my "episodes" for the next 7 effing weeks. I'll suck it up and keep on smiling.

When they come lurking I take "sick days" and pray with all my might that they stay away till the next month kind of like a period for girls. Gross but accurate no matter how you spin it. They hate their periods with a passion! I've heard many complain about it while scanning them. Grumbling and hissing quietly at the mere sight of tampons and pads I wisely stay the fuck out of that conversation when they arrive at my lane.

Four hours later as I am getting ready to leave I remember that my package was supposed to arrive today, smiling I head out excited for my bath and body works cream. A tad bit expensive for me but the smell, oh Lord how wonderful.

Walking home just takes 10 mins and all I can think about is where to place all the cream I got or better yet where to hide it, since my friends all want to use it and never pay a cent to replace my darlings.

Fucking FedEx better not have lost my package, like the last time!!!

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