~Chapter 7: New Home~

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~(Y/N)'s Point of View~

As I stared out of the carriage window, I set out to imagine what my new "home" might look like. Sure, I had served nobility before, but never a prince. This would be an adventure. I sighed. My mind started to wander to who the aggressive guy with the spiky hair could have been. And why he was so secretive about who he is. I mean, what did he have to hide? Why couldn't he just have told me?

Suddenly, the carriage wheel hit a small pothole and I bounced on my seat for a second, pulling me from my thoughts. I considered yelling at the carriage driver for not avoiding the pothole, but I decided it wasn't worth it. Instead, I laid my head on the wall closest to me, where I fell fast asleep.

~Elizabeth's Point of View~

I listened as Katsuki blew out our ears and sighed. My older brother could be really fucking annoying sometimes. Scratch that, he's annoying all the time.

"The fuck do you mean it's okay if I'm fucking gay?! I'm the straightest man alive!"

He tried to stand up and I put my hand on his shoulder, pushing him back into his seat. He glanced at me before growling. I rolled my eyes.

"Calm your tits, Katsuki. He's just pointing out that it's acceptable. He's not saying you're gay."

But, if you aren't, why don't you have a girlfriend already?

He 'tch'ed and folded his arms. I rested my chin on my head and my attention drifted to the window. By then, it was getting dark. The sun was setting below the horizon. 

My eyes followed the various natural landmarks, such as the trees. The endless rows of them. I knew all about that particular forest, I had grown up in the area. Well, sort of. The capital of Dracovia was near the edge of the forest. I used to venture out into it, against the recommendations of many people, and spent days on end there. It was always nice to isolate myself on occasion. 

A large gap in the trees revealed a gorgeous waterfall to the carriage's left. I turned my head slightly to see it, smiling slightly knowing that we'd be home in a few short hours. 

~(Y/N)'s Point of View (An Hour later)~

My eyes flew open at the loud, persistent knocking on the carriage door. I hoisted myself up, disembarking. My eyes adjusted to the light outside and I looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the palace. However, I was already being ushered inside. 

Upon entering, a boy of about my age waved to me, his energy apparent in his eyes. He bolted over to me, taking my hand and shaking it with the same enthusiasm. It was then I noticed his spiky red hair and shark-like teeth. Interesting.

"The name's Eijiro Kirishima! I'm one of the head knights around here! You must be the newbie, right?"

"Y-Yeah. (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too!" He finally dropped my hand and gestured to a nearby girl. "This is Yashiro. She'll be bringing you to your room." Yashiro smiled and I did the same. 

"See you around, Eijiro!" I waved, following Yashiro towards a set of double doors. Before going through, I looked at the entry room. It was exactly what you'd expect for a castle. The walls were a deep crimson, and dragon-themed items were just about anywhere you looked. The room was small and simple for the most part, so I figured it was a back entrance as opposed to the front door. Before I could get a really good look at my surroundings, she hand grabbed my hand and was pulling me through the door.

'Wow, everyone here seems really enthusiastic.' I thought. 

"You're room's this way. It's actually right next to mine!" Yashiro said, my hand in hers as she led me down the hall. "All the servant girls stay on this wing, and the boys are on the next one over. Everyone's super nice here, too. Even the royal family."

"That's nice. I'm sure I'll like it here."

"Yep! Sometimes I actually forget that I'm supposed to be an unpaid laborer. They give us everything we need, and we only have to do a few shifts a week!"

"This is gonna be a nice change," I said, smiling to myself.

"Mhm!" She stopped walking and let go of my hand. Yashiro plopped a key in my hand before pointing to a door to our left. "This is your room. This key is for opening your door. There's a master key that the head of staff's got, and you'll be given a set of keys for other rooms as well."

I turned towards the door, unlocking it with the key and opening it. There was a single bed against the wall opposite of the door with a small end table. A wardrobe was positioned at the foot of the bed, and it was directly across from a small vanity/desk. to the right of the door. On the wall furthest from the door, there was another entryway, which probably led to a bathroom.

"Your uniform is in the wardrobe, and there's already basic hygienic necessities in your bathroom. The desk has everything you'll need about your shifts and responsibilities and all that stuff. If you need anything, I'll be in my room."

"Sounds good. What's your name, again?"

"I'm Yashiro Nene! See you around, (Y/N)!" I gave a small wave before she disappeared. I shut my door and got a better look at the room. The desk had a small vase with some daisies. They looked well cared for. The end table had a little clock on it that I would most likely use to make sure I wouldn't be late for any of my shifts, as well as a lamp. 

I walked over to the desk, which indeed held a small stack of papers. I glanced over them quickly before I got to the part about my shifts. I would work from after breakfast until 3 in the afternoon. I was also off on Saturdays. Not too bad. Some of the other papers outlined some basic rules and procedures. Boring stuff. I'm allowed to walk the grounds freely when I'm off, but when I'm working, I would need to be by Bakugo's side unless he dismissed me for the day. 

Sighing, I decided I would read everything in detail later. For now, I wanted to rest a bit. As nice as all this was, it was still a lot to adjust to. According to the sheet, I would start tomorrow, so I had some time to kill. I glanced over at my clock, wincing because I realized how late it was.

"11pm? Jeez, I was in that carriage for a while. Good thing I slept on the way over here," I said to no one in particular.

I remembered that breakfast was at the servants ate at 8:30, so I set my clock to go off at 7:45. Then I'd have some time to look over the papers on my desk and get ready for the day. I opened the wardrobe and saw several identical dresses that I assumed were my uniforms. I also checked the drawers for anything else and found undergarments and sleepwear. I slipped on the sleepwear before making my way to my bathroom. 

The bathroom consisted of a small sink next to a toilet. It was across from a shower that I could see was already stocked with soap and other hygienic goods, just as Yashiro mentioned. I checked the drawers and cabinet under the sink and found a toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as feminine hygiene  products. I brushed my teeth and washed my face briefly before shutting off the lights in the room and getting in bed. 

The sheets of my new bed were unlike any I'd had before in my life. Honestly? I could deal with whatever Prince Bakugo would throw at me if I got to sleep here every night. Settling in, I turned out the lamp and laid my head on my pillow. All at once, the drowsiness from the day set in and I felt my eyelids go heavy. Giving in to the sweet temptation of rest, I fell fast asleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey guys! It's been a while! Since I've been trying to update my Jojo one-shots book, I figured I might as well throw together a chapter since I had the time. I feel really weird about just leaving this where it was, so I really want to write some more. I think I'm finally in a place where I can write without too much trouble, so I'm hoping to keep this going as long as I can. I'll let you know if anything changes. Love you guys!

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