~Chapter 3: Allium~

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Touya... Don't leave me again...

I opened my eyes and was temporarily blinded by my pure-white surroundings. I sat up before looking down at what I was laying on.

A hospital cot?

I door swung open to my left. I heard it before I saw it. A scantily-clad woman in all white walked in and stood by my bed.

"How are you feeling, hon?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Nemuri Kayama. I've been your nurse since the prince found you."

"The prince? Which one? Where am I? Why am I in a hosp-"

"Slow down with all of the questions. They'll all be answered. I promise," I sighed.

 I know I shouldn't trust her, I thought, but she seems to want to help me.

"Okay. But I need one question answered right now." 


"What kingdom am I in?"

"Oh, you're in Yuuei."

"...How the hell did I end up in Yuuei?" 

"Well, let's see. You were in a carriage. You were crossing the border from Shiketsu to Dracovia. As far as we can tell, you were stopped by bandits-"

It started to come back to me. Running. The ram's horn. The bandits fleeing into the forest. Touya.

"Our king was on the way to the castle-

"Touya..." Tears threatened to fall as I looked down.

"What was that?"

I couldn't say anything else before the tears that were building flowed down my (Skin Tone) cheeks. Kayama rushed to my side.

"What's wrong? Did I say something to upset you?"

"N-no, it's nothing. I-I'm just a bit overwhelmed, that's all."

"Whatever you say" She shrugged. 

Kayama sat down on the edge of my bed. 

"Where are you from? We don't have any records of you here."

"Well... I'm from Shiketsu. I was going to Dracovia because..."

Wait. If I tell her I'm a slave... What is she sends me back there?

I sighed. There wasn't much point in lying. I still have my bracelet. She likely already knows. But, would she really send me to the Dracovia?

"...I was sold as a slave to the Dracovian prince." 

She sighed.

"I'm sorry, love. I'm honestly surprised you told me all that. Is that what that bracelet means?" 

I hadn't even realized I was fiddling with it.

"Um, yeah. We all have them. Us slaves, I mean."

She stood up.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

I nodded sadly as she left the room.

~Midnight's POV~

I stepped out of the door pulled it shut behind me. I pulled a recording device out of my sleeve. 

DISCONTINUED - Sold (Fantasy Bakugo x Reader) (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now