~Chapter 2: Bandits~

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I thought for a moment. This was the royal family's carriage. The doors ought to be well oiled. Taking a leap of faith, I slowly draped my hand on the handle and twisted it. It didn't make any noise. I took one last look out of the window before pushing it open.

The men were about fifteen feet away from me and were facing the opposite direction. I breathed a quick sigh of relief before putting one foot on the ground. I was barefoot, and the rocks of the dirt road stung like hell, but I managed to stay quiet.


I had let the door go and it swung closed.

I winced and opened one eye, looking towards the men. They all turned to face me.

"Um, hi. This is a little bit awkward. I'll be going now." I pointed my thumb behind my back before breaking into a run in the opposite direction from the bandits in front of me.

I was only able to get as far as ten feet before I felt a tug on the back of my shirt.


"Look at you~"

I pivoted and took a closer look at my captor. He had shaggy light blue hair that hung down to his shoulders. His eyes were covered by his long bangs.

"You're quite the specimen."

His voice was really scary, not gonna lie.

"Don't touch me."

"And what are you gonna do about it? "

"Aw, lay off Shigaraki. We have other things to do." 

I didn't get to see who spoke, but it didn't matter to me. The guy didn't let go of my shirt. Instead, he dragged me over to where his friends were. 

"Well, we can't leave her alive, can we?"

"I suppose not."

"Can I drink her blood?! I really wanna drink her blood!!"

The voice of the young girl sent shivers down my spine. She sounded psychotic as fuck. 


"You don't get an opinion."

I stuck my tongue out at the blonde guy who spoke.

"You must really have a death wish, girlie."

The guy that was holding my shirt collar tightened his grip. It wasn't that I had a death wish, I just didn't care. I was gonna be the Dracovian prince's personal maid. Who even knows how that would go down.

"Could you let go of my shirt now? You've made your point."

He released me and I took a step back from him, only to back into another dude. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 

"You're not getting away."

I turned my head and saw a man. My eyes widened.

 The bottom half of his face had burns and scars, as well as under his eyes. His raven-colored hair stuck up in all directions. But all of that wasn't what attracted my attention. His eyes- they were cold, yet beautiful. I recognized them all too well. 

"...T-Touya? Is that you?"

Five years ago... (Y/N was 11)

"I love your eyes. They're really unique."

The red-haired boy smiled. 

"One day, Y/N... One day I'm gonna get you out of here."

I sighed deeply. 

"Even if you do, It'll be really hard to live on my own."

"That's the thing!"

He grabbed my hands and held them in his own.

"You won't be alone! I'll be with you!"

"Touya... you can't leave... You're the heir to the throne...."

"I'd rather run away with you, though!"

I shook my head.

"You've got a duty to this kingdom. Plus, I'm okay with being a maid. When you become king, I'll work under you and we'll be just fine. Don't worry about me."

I smiled reassuringly. Suddenly, the door of  Touya's room opened.

"You're highness-"

The older maid looked at the two of us, sitting on his bed holding hands. She frowned. She ran up to me and grabbed my wrist. 

"I can't let you pollute prince's mind any longer! I'm telling the king!

I felt the tears fall hard as the head maid dragged me into the throne room. I was never going to see Touya again.

Touya smirked, his cold, calculating, familiar, eyes staring directly into my soul.

"I knew I recognized you. I wanted our reunion to be a bit more special, but I suppose this is as good a time as any."

"What happened to you?!"

He completely ignored my question and looked at the other bandits, who were speechless.

"On second thought, maybe we should keep her."

He looked at me again.

"I'll explain everything later, (Nickname). 

I was shocked beyond words. Where had he been for all these years?

"Dabi we should-"

Touya's comrade was interrupted by a sound. A ram's horn. I tensed up. Touya released his grip on my waist and grabbed my hand. I glanced behind me as I saw horses pouring out from over the hill. I felt a tug on my arm as Touya pulled me towards a nearby forest. I planted my feet in the ground. Even if I wanted answers, I wasn't about to go with known criminals. As soon as he noticed I wasn't following, He grabbed my shoulders.

"(N/N)... Come with us! You can be truly free!"

I shook my head. 

"If I go with you I'll be executed!" I half-shouted. 

I turned to see about ten horses coming in our direction. I gulped. Deep down, I knew he was right. He let go of my shoulders and glanced at me sadly before running off to join his fleeing companions. As soon as he left my field of vision, I sunk to my knees. Touya. After five years... 

I blacked out.

A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short.  I'll make the next one longer! I promise! :<

DISCONTINUED - Sold (Fantasy Bakugo x Reader) (My Hero Academia)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora