~Chapter 4: The Ball~

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The sudden voice made me jump.

"Allium?" I said, turning around. Before me was a boy who was fairly tall with dual-colored hair parted perfectly down the middle. He reached down and picked the purple blossom I had been looking at.

"This is an Allium," he said extending his arm to offer me the 'Allium.'

"Oh," was all I managed to say before I took the flower.

"Alliums are normally larger, but this is a smaller breed," he said, gazing at a small patch of a similar flower, "I find it interesting that this is the flower you've taken a liking to. It represents humility."

I couldn't think of anything to say to him. Instead I looked at his clothes. He was wearing exactly what I imagined a prince would wear. He wore a long-sleeve shirt with an embroidered royal blue vest over it and loose-fitting white pants. The boy bowed ever slightly before speaking again.

"Prince Shoto of Banahatsu, miss."

I swear to god if I meet another damn prince-

"(Y/n) (L/N), your majesty," I interrupted my thoughts, "And now if you'll excuse me, I really must be going," I stated before rushing off, hopefully preventing anyone else from introducing themselves.

 I walked briskly under the stone arch and towards two massive wooden doors, each detailed with beautiful etched patterns depicting what looked like myths and legends of heroes and beasts. Once I reached the doorway, I reached for one of the two large stone knockers and pulled it towards me. To my annoyance, the door didn't budge an inch.

"You push it to open it." I recognized the voice of Prince Shoto once again. I sweat-dropped. 

"O-oh, okay. Thanks," I said, my face flushing in embarrassment. I turned to glance at him. He was still standing by the flower garden, closely examining a patch of white roses.

 I opened the door cautiously but quickly. As soon as stepped over the threshold, I picked up my pace. I heard the door close behind me and I took a closer look at the corridor I was currently in. I marveled at the portraits that covered the walls. Torches hung between them, nicely illuminating the hall. One portrait in particular caught me eye, and I stopped to look at it more closely. 

The picture depicted a beautiful pale-skinned woman with black hair and gray eyes. A mole was centered to the right of her face just below her bottom lip. In the painting, she wore a dark dress with white and gold accents. My eyes wandered to a small gold plate embedded in the frame.

"Nana Shimura," I read out loud. I let out a sigh before continuing down the hallway. It wasn't long before I passed doors, supposedly leading to more corridors I could only assume would look like this one. Each one only would probably add to the already maze-like feel to the castle.

I was walking for what seemed like an hour, which was probably more like fifteen minutes, when I heard quick footsteps behind me. I swiftly turned and collided with whoever was running. I opened my eyes and saw a girl about my age on the floor and a metal tray to her left.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I said, extending an arm to help her up. She looked up at me and her large brown eyes met my (Eye Color) ones. 

"Perfect timing! I needed to get someone to help me bring the second course to the dining room! I thought I could get some of the kitchen staff to help me, but you're right here!" I blinked as she took my hand and hoisted herself up. She reached down to pick up the tray she had dropped. She took my hand once again and pulled me in the direction she was going. 

DISCONTINUED - Sold (Fantasy Bakugo x Reader) (My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now