~Chapter 9: Optimism~

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"If I had to guess, I'd say you're a magic user."

"Well, shit."


"So, now what?"

"Well, I would arrange for you to train under another magic user."

"You would? What's stopping you?"

"Well, the militaries of pretty much every country in this world all have things they specialize in. We happen to specialize in dragon combat. We currently have ten dragon shifters, and we're looking for more. I believe you've met Eijiro Kirishima, right?"

"Yeah, I met him when I got here yesterday."

"He's one of them."

"That's actually really cool."

"Anyway, we just don't have a lot of magic users. That's Yuuei's specialty. For whatever reason, magic users are pretty rare outside of Yuuei."

"There's gotta be someone, at least."

"You're free to look into it. In fact, I encourage it. We need more combative diversity within our ranks. Just don't let it interfere with your duties."

"Epic." I let that sink in for a moment before remembering what I had read this morning. "The only problem is that I would have to leave the palace to find a skilled magic user to learn under. 

"That sounds like a you problem."

"I can take you!" The new voice from behind me caused me to turn to see who it was. I recognized her as the girl from the ball last night. Prince Bakugo's sister, right?

"You don't mind?"

"Nope, I was about to go anyways."

"That sounds good to me, thanks."

"No problem! Kirishima will be accompanying us. When does your shift end?"

"I'm off at three."

"Great, we can meet you at the palace gates at three."

"Sounds like a plan." I gave her a smile before turning back to Katsuki. He looked a little ticked, most likely because we had ignored him for a moment, leaving him out of the conversation.

"You said your piece. You can leave now." Katsuki waved his hand at his sister like he was shooing her. She rolled her eyes.

"My name's Ellie. I'm Katsuki's sister in case you didn't know."

"(Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here. Anyways, I'll see you at three!"

"See you then." I waved as she returned to wherever she came from. Speaking of, where did she come from? I turned to Katsuki.

"Does she make a habit of hanging around, or..."

"She's hella annoying."

"That's not what I asked."

"She likes to introduce herself to new people around this place. I guess she gets bored of the same people for long periods of time. She was probably about to talk to you anyway." 

"Interesting. Well, what are we doing next?"

"I was thinking about going to the library."

"What for?"

"What do people do in libraries, dumbass?"

"Don't be a dick."

"I was gonna read or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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