Chapter 1

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A/N: I'm sure most people who are reading this already know, but for anyone who doesn't, hyung is used by a younger male to call an older male friend or sibling (for respect essentially) (:


Taehyung's POV

"King Jeon requested for your attendance. What did you do this time, Tae?"

I turn around and see Hoseok standing there with his arms crossed. Hoseok is a palace guard for the royal family of Bighit town. He's also my childhood friend that I've known for 15 years, since our fathers were good friends.

He gives me a concerned look, "You got to stop playing these pranks on the King. Just because your mom was best friends with the queen, doesn't mean you can get away with everything" he says and I give him a confused look.

"I didn't do anything recently though. The last prank I pulled was when I replaced the King's soup with the frog juice I got from the dissection we were forced to do at school, and the king already berated me for it" I say and he looks at me confused.

"Really? Well maybe you're not in trouble this time" he says and snorts.

I roll my eyes, "Jeez hyung, I don't always get in trouble" I say and he gives me a deadpanned look.

"Tae, you get called to see the king once a month, and it's for your stupid pranks. I almost got fired from my job since they thought I was involved in one of your pranks once!" Hoseok exclaims and I smile sheepishly.

"I already apologized for that, didn't I? Anyways, I should probably go see the king, wouldn't want him throwing a fit from waiting too long" I say and Hoseok smacks my head before turning around and walking out of my room.

I hiss in pain and rub the spot he hit before getting up to catch up to him, following him towards the palace.

We walk in and I look around in awe. As much times as I've been here, I'm always mesmerized by the decor in this palace.

We walk into the throne room and I see King Jeon sitting on the throne holding some papers.

Hoseok bows, "Sir, Kim Taehyung has arrived" he says and glances at me and tells me to bow with his eyes.

I shake my head and nod my head at the King, in which he just rolls his eyes. The king and I go way back, so he knows me well enough to know that I won't be bowing.

"Taehyung" Hoseok hisses at me and I smack him in the head. I hear the King sigh and I look up at him.

"So... did I do something I don't know about?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No, which honestly shocks me. I'm surprised you've been well behaved for the past week" he says and I shake my head and smirk.

"You never know, I could just be planning the hugest prank yet, so that's why you haven't heard from me from the past week" I say and the king chuckles.

"Always a creative one, you are" he says and I laugh.

"So if I'm not in trouble, what am I doing here?" I say and he hums.

"I'd like you to meet my sons" he says and gestures at a guard. Then, three extremely handsome men walk in and my jaw drops.

I use my hand to physically close my jaw, "Is there a reason as to why you are introducing me to three greek gods?" I ask and I hear the smallest one giggle.

"Taehyung, these are my sons. Prince Jungkook, Prince Seokjin, and Prince Jimin" the king introduces and the three princes bow. I nod my head curtly at them and the hottest one -Jungkook I think his name was- glances at me confusedly.

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