Hand holding - as friends

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[Virgil's POV]

We went down to the cars and decided to just take Roman's so it would be easier. We got in, I called shotgun and sat with Roman in the front while Jan and Ree were in the back. Too soon though, we realised we had no idea where we were going to go.

'Movies!' Janus suggested.

'No way, you and Re would end up making out!' I said.

'Nooooo...' Janus began to defend before Remus interuprted.

'Yes we would!' Remus confessed.

'Okay how about the park?' Roman asked.

'No, Re would scare the kids.' I sighed.

'Fair enough.' Re shrugged.

'God, V just pick a place then.' Janus seemed to be getting annoyed with me. I sunk down in my seat and twiddled my fingers. Roman reached over and held one of my hands. He stroked the back of my knuckles with his thumb which helped calm me down. 

'Zoo?' I asked quietly.

'Sounds perfect!' Roman said cheerfully.

'I could see some monkeys.' Janus agreed.

'LIONS!!' Remus yelled making Roman let go of my hand to grab the steering wheel, which made me rather sad. I think I accidentally let that show because he looked over at me and grabbed my hand again. I blushed a little and looked away. The car ride was mostly Dee and Remus making jokes (some obviously more inappropriate than others) and Roman stayed holding my hand.

We drove for the longest hour and thirty minutes I have ever experienced in my entire life.

We arrived at the zoo and Roman opened my door for me again. He kept hold of my hand and pulled me to the entrance while Janus and Remus were talking behind us. We got to the desk and I pulled out my wallet but Roman pushed it away.

'Don't worry, I got this!' He smiled at me so I smiled back, remembering my bet with Remus and Jan.

'Hey Virge, can you just come over here for a sec?' Remus said. I nodded and followed him to one side of the entrance. 

'What's up?' I was worried he was mad at me for something.

'I saw you and Ro holding hands in the car.' He said it with a slight smirk on his face.


'Don't worry, it was super cute!'

'Right, so what about Ro holding my hand?'

'I wanna change the bet.'

'How?' This should be interesting...

'If you keep holding hands with my brother, throughout the whole trip, you don't have to be really sweet or anything, you get your lunch for a week.'

'So I hold hands with you're brother, and you pay me with food?'



'So you'll do it?'

'Duh!' This was gonna be easy.

'I think you just want to hold hands with Roman.'

'What? No! Friends remember?' God it can't be that easy to see...

'Yeah, friends with benefits.'

'REMUS!' I hit him on the arm and he ran back to the others who had finished paying.

I walked back to them and as we walked out the entrance to explore the rest of the animals, i slipped my fingers between Roman's.

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