15. Stick to the same story

Start from the beginning

"Yes, we are," I go over to him and squat, "but we will meet again little dude,"


"Yes, I know we will, at some point,"

But maybe I'll be Novella next time instead of Leon.

Leo straightens his back, "Until next time then,"

I smile and he goes over to say his farewells to the horses and Sage. Both horses happily munch away at the goodbye carrot gift as Sage attaches the final bags and then gives Leo a fist bump.

"All right time to go, lets hope that Killian is ready."

"Killian will be ready, he is always on time," Leo chimes in.

Suddenly an idea strikes me, "Leo, do you want to ride Griffin around to Killian?"

His eyes widen and he points to himself, "Me? Ride Griffin to Killian?"

"Yes, thats a brilliant idea!" Sage wanders around to Griffin, "Come here and I can give you a leg up."

He forms a small platform with his hands and Leo almost flies over the top of Griffin as he swings his legs up with much enthusiasm.

"Wow, its high up here!" He peers down at the ground, "This is wonderful!"

"All right, time for you to get on now Leon," Sage says.

I walk over to Winnie and hoist myself up into the saddle, my mounting skills have been improving. Once sitting upright in the saddle I groan, "Laddy, you didn't warn me about how sore this would be," I wriggle around and the ache is still there in my lower body, "I am so stiff!"

"Don't worry, after the first few days of riding it should get better,"

My eyes widen, and I echo him. "Should get better?"

"Yes, your body just needs to adjust, you have probably been using muscles that have never been used before, just give it time and once we get going it should stop acing as much."

I groan again, my legs feels so weak but hard and painful.

Sage just laughs at my pain, "Suck it up laddy,"

"Well, let us see how you feel when you get up here," I smirk.

"Haha, I will be completely fine, I'm used to riding daily, its part of the job description." He winks, "And plus, I'm not getting up there till we find Killian."

"Wait, what?" My voice rises in tone, which I quickly notice and I take a deep breath, "that means I'm going to be riding up here, alone,"

"Why would that be a problem?" Leo asks.

"Oh no," I exclaim, shaking my head and quickly thinking on the spot, "not a problem, just Winnie is Sage's horse, not mine,"

"Oh, well she seems like a lovely horse when I've been tending to her, I don't think you have anything to worry about."

Nothing except I have never ridden before.

I gulp but smile to Leo whilst running a hand through Winnie's grey mane to cover up my trembling hand.

"Let us go find Killian."

Sage nods, "Walk on."

A slight lurch and we're off, at a slow walk. Sage is holding both horses on a lead rope, thankfully, so the worry of Winnie bolting and me falling off has lessened slightly.

My racing pulse has also calmed down, the further we go, the more it gets back into the rhythm, my whole body does actually and before I know it, I'm relaxed.

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