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As November took over the Castle, cold nipped at the students. The fire in the common room was lit every day and the windows frosted up in the mornings. There was the charm of Christmas being around the corner and all the students were excited. The beginning of November also brought Sirius's birthday. The four were very excited about this. Sirius had been informed of some of his birthday plans, as they didn't plan a huge party. It would just be James, Remus, Peter, Emmeline, Lily, Marlene, Alice, and Mary. They were set to hang out in the common room and just have fun. Sirius was very happy to hear this.

On the morning of Sirius's birthday, which happened to be a Sunday this year, the three other boys got up early. They snuck off to the Great Hall to begin the first step to making Sirius have an amazing day. This step was breakfast in bed. James stayed behind in case Sirius woke up while the other two got the food. It was 9:20 by the time the boys returned and got everything set up.

Remus was tasked with waking the boy up. As he was the one Sirius refrained from hitting, Remus was perfect for the job. He quietly padded over to the boy's four-poster and shook his shoulders. "Sirius. Rise and shine!"

The young boy slowly blinked his eyes open, barely taking everything in before a voice spoke again. "Good morning, birthday boy."

Sirius sat up at this, looking around the room. James and Peter stood at the end of his bed with a platter of food. They were smiling eagerly at the boy. Sirius then turned his head to his right. Remus was crouched next to him, a smile plastered on his faces as well. Sirius felt a smile make it's way onto his face as the other boys' smiles were so contagious.

"Mornin'." Sirius slurred in his sleep-heavy voice.

"Happy birthday!" James and Peter exclaimed as they brought his breakfast to him.

"What's this?" Sirius asked, looking at his friends with confusion.

"Breakfast in bed! And this is only the beginning. We have an entire day full of fun stuff just for you!" Peter explained, smiling from ear to ear.

"You guys didn't have to-"

"We know we didn't, but we wanted to. You're our friend and it's your birthday. Now, eat up." Remus told him, effortlessly shutting Sirius up and putting a smile back on his face.

The four boys stayed in their dormitory for a few hours after breakfast, chatting and having fun. When afternoon came around, they left for the Great Hall once more. Sirius was going to meet up with Emmeline before meeting his friends in the Great Hall, so the other three went on without him and took their seats. Sirius took a while, worrying them. After 10 minutes, they knew something was up. With a final worried glance to the doorway, the three boys got up in search of their friend.

When Sirius waved goodbye to his friends, he went to the windows across the common room. His girlfriend was sitting there, staring out one of the big windows. He smiled to himself and approached the girl.

"Good morning, Em." He smiled at her and she returned the gesture.

"Happy birthday, Sirius."

"Thank you." He laughed a little to himself, noting that this was the most people that have ever wished him a happy birthday in one day. The two sat together in comfortable silence for a few minutes, and then Sirius spoke. "You're gorgeous, Em. You really are."

"Oh, Sirius." The girl hid her face in a failed attempt to cover her blushing cheeks. "You're handsome too, you know that? You're really handsome."

"Ah, thank you." It was Sirius' turn to blush now. Another silence settled between the two. Sirius began scooting closer to the girl, excitement running through his veins. He had something he wanted to do, but he was scared she would reject him. But as he continued to get closer, the girl stayed silent. Anticipation sparked between both Gryffindors, heating the air.

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