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Remus was cautious to hide his scars even more than normal throughout the first week after the full moon. He knew it would raise questions he didn't want to answer, so he made sure to avoid it at all costs. Classes were still pretty simple, but they were starting to get homework. Currently, Remus was sitting in the common room alone doing homework while Sirius, James, and Peter were at flying lessons. As it wasn't a required course, Remus opted out. Peter was only there because he followed James and Sirius was dragged out against his will. A lovely dad indeed.

Sometime after Remus sat down with his homework, a young girl came and sat near him. It took him a minute to realize that someone had done so, but when he looked up, he noticed it was the girl who had talked to Sirius in the library. Lily something?

"Good afternoon." She said when he looked up. "I'm not sure if you remember me, but I'm Lily Evans. I talked to Sirius in the library."

"I was just recalling that." Remus smiled at her. "My name is Remus Lupin, it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I was actually wondering if you could help me. I saw you with your Charms homework. It's all so new to me, and I'm just a bit confused." Lily asked him, looking sheepish. She fidgeted with the books and parchment in her hands as she spoke.

"Only if you help me in Transfiguration." Remus laughed, scooting over on the couch they were occupying. Lily laughed along with him, situating herself beside him and opening her book. The two of them got to work and enjoyed each other's company. It was weird to Remus how easily the two of them got along. He wasn't one who made friends often, but he seemed to be pretty good at it. It confused him immensely, but he was okay with that.

When they tackled the Charms homework, Lily started Remus on his Transfiguration work. She was as good as James was, maybe better. Remus felt slightly guilty to ask her instead of him, but she was there. James would have to get over it. The Transfiguration work was easier than Remus originally thought once Lily explained it to him. He finished it within a half-hour. When they were done, they sat together and talked about anything and everything. They seamlessly became great friends.

In what felt like 10 minutes, it was dinner time. James, Sirius, and Peter came bounding into the common room loudly. Remus stopped midsentence to look to them, laughing at the scene. Sirius was covered in mud and James was carrying him. Peter was walking behind them, laughing crazily. When James caught sight of Remus, he brought the others over. When they got over to him, James dropped Sirius onto the floor, wiping his hands off on Sirius' shirt.

"What happened?" Remus asked them calmy, laughing only a little.

"Sirius fell off of his broom straight into a mud puddle," James told him, laughing uncontrollably when he looked back to the boy in question.

"I told James that I'd never ridden a broom but he refused to believe me. 'You're a pureblood! How could not have ridden a broom before?' He kept saying. And I kept explaining to him that even though both my parents are magically inclined doesn't mean they had enough sense to teach me how to ride a broom. No one in my entire family has ever played Quidditch."

"Which is exactly why you should!" James interrupted. "You're a Gryffindor! Why stop the 'traitorous behavior' with that? Be a Quidditch player."

"Other than falling off and into a puddle, how did you do with riding?" Remus asked the boy, ignoring James.

"I did pretty decently. Once I fell, I was more determined to do it correctly, so I've made a lot of progress. And James makes a good point, it would be quite scandalous for me to become a Quidditch player. So I'll think about trying out." Sirius said, making his decision.

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