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"Where've you been? You were with McGonagall for almost 20 minutes! Classes start in 10 minutes!" James ran to Sirius the minute the portrait opened. No other students were in the common room. Sirius laughed at his eagerness and just motioned for him to follow him as he walked over to the staircase.

"About that. We don't have to go to classes today. Just us four, obviously. McGonagall told me she totally understood that I didn't feel like going to classes after what happened. I asked her if I could have you guys with me because I didn't want to be alone. She said yes, so we get to chill in the library all day. She's even supplying food." Sirius lead his friends up to their dormitory. Sirius discarded his robe and James did the same. Remus changed into a sweater and Peter stayed the same. Soon after, the four of them headed to the library.

"You seem awfully calm about this whole thing, Sirius." Remus pointed out as the neared the library. Everyone else felt the same, but no one voiced it. James nodded feverishly.

"I have to be," Sirius said nonchalantly.

"That's not right," Peter stated, eyeing his friend with worry. There was a similar look in James and Remus' eyes.

"Nothing about my family is right. I've dealt with this kind of stuff for years. It's become the standard. I mean, I'm not happy about it by any means, but I'll have to deal with it. It's ok, I'm going to be fine. I have to be. When I go back for Christmas-"

"When you what?!" James exclaimed, interrupting Sirius.

"Go back for Christmas?" Sirius repeated, eyeing James questioningly. He didn't know what was wrong.

"You're not going back for Christmas, Sirius. Merlin's beard, you shouldn't ever go back. You can't just act like everything's normal because it's not. I say this because I'm your friend, but you're being a twat. There is no way you're going back. I will personally stay here with you to make sure you stay." James told him, voice rising.

"James you heard what she said. She kicked me out of the legacy but still mentioned Christmas. I don't have a choice. I have to go back and deal with it. It will only make it worse if I don't." Sirius explained, sighing. He hated the whole situation.

"I don't care. And you shouldn't either. It's going to be bad no matter when you go back. And you have the option to stay here. It's ultimately your decision, but I strongly suggest staying here. You'd have fun and get to relax without fighting with your family for a month."

"James is right," Remus spoke. "It's going to suck no matter when you go back to see them. Whether it's Christmas break or summer break. I say stay here and enjoy yourself. Home will be hell and you need to avoid it as long as possible."

"God, I hate that you two are right." Sirius frustratingly exclaimed. "But I will have to face it at some point, and it's not going to be good. I almost regret choosing Gryffindor."

"You'll learn to love it. We'll be your family. You'll always have us, no matter what happens." James says. Remus and Peter agree, and Sirius sighs.

"You guys are the best."


The rest of the day was spent conversing with each other. James made it his mission to cheer up his friend. It was the most he could do at this point, but he was going to make the best of it. McGonagall kept her word and brought them food, checking on Sirius. It was a peaceful day, perfect to distract Sirius from the more pressing situations. But like all things, it came to an end. Remus decided it would be better to go back to the common room later at night, so they could minimize the number of people they would have to run into. Sirius agreed and they did just that.

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