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Sirius loved his hair. And that was an understatement. He kept it up for as long as possible before the dare actually started. He wouldn't risk showering or doing anything that could possibly make his hairdo fall out. That, of course, exempted Quidditch tryouts. He would be dammed if a single thing kept him from further disappointing his family. The following day, a Saturday, held Quidditch tryouts. Both James and Sirius were trying out. Remus wished to go, but he was feeling under the weather. Nothing a cup of tea and a chocolate bar couldn't fix, but he didn't want to go out and make it worse. The boys weren't upset at all, knowing that their friend's health was more important than him being there for their tryouts. Peter did come, however. He occupied the stands and watched with pure interest.

While the three boys went and did that, Remus stayed in the library, curled up with a cup of tea and a good book. A perfect recovery opportunity, he thought. A few hours into his stay at the library, a certain red-head made her way over to him. Remus was oblivious to this, of course, being stuck in the book he was reading. But that didn't bother Lily, as she had her own book to escape into. The two sat in silence for a long while before Remus noticed her presence. He sat his book and tea down, eyeing the girl sat across from him. She felt his eyes on her and looked up with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Remus." She said, sitting her book down. The two were alone in the back of the library, so there was no need to be too quiet.

"Is it afternoon already? I haven't kept track of time." Remus chuckled to himself, checking his watch. It indeed was the afternoon, 2:04 PM to be exact. "Now that I'm thinking of it, have you eaten yet? I haven't since breakfast and I'm just now realizing how hungry I am."

"I haven't." She told him. "We can go together if you'd like."

"I'd love to. You can lead the way."

The pair headed to the Great Hall in a comfortable chat. Their friendship, albeit new, was seamless. They were able to carry a conversation over anything at any time. People who didn't know the two could've easily suspected they were best friends. Neither of them knew what it was that clicked between them, but now that they were friends, they couldn't possibly imagine a time when they weren't. James was inevitably jealous, having a huge crush on Lily. He acted as if Remus were going to take her from him, but both Remus and James knew that that wasn't going to happen. Lily tolerated James for the sake of Remus and her's relationship. James acted like a prat every time he was in her presence. He had asked her out twice now, counting the one at breakfast that morning. She didn't speculate he would let it go anytime soon, unfortunately.

After lunch, Remus and Lily retreated back to the library, reading once again. Quidditch tryouts ended right before dinner, Remus had been told. So they had a quite decent amount of time before the three boys would return. Sirius had left after breakfast with James and Peter to practice a little before tryouts, leaving Remus alone for most of the day. Not that he minded. And anyway, Sirius had given him a big thank you speech for his hair before he left. Ever since he had done his hair the one time, Sirius viewed him as a perfect being. Remus knew he wasn't, but he appreciated the sentiment. He liked feeling appreciated for once.

The day continued along like a train, billowing by without much notice from the standers-by. Remus and Lily were occupied with their books, so much so that evening came with much speed. Before they knew it, Sirius, James, and Peter rushed into the Library. The three boys were scolded by Madam Pince but they didn't mind. They found their way back to where Remus and Lily were sitting with ease. James and Sirius sported red cheeks and wind-blown hair. Peter also had red cheeks, but his hair was in place, for the most part.

"Is it this late already?" Remus exclaimed, sitting his book down. Lily followed suit, sitting back and watching the scene unfurl.

"5:45 on the dot." Sirius supplied, smiling from ear to ear. "And we come bearing good news."

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