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The whole day was largely uneventful for the four boys. Classes were easy, as it was the beginning of the year. There was some overall review and basic information that they learned, not actually doing much. The only class that was worthy of recounting was Potions. The four Gryffindors had Double Potions with the Slytherins. Which was already a mess without the whole getting dethroned thing. Slughorn tried his best to sort everyone out, but even he couldn't manage the kids. Being the Slytherin head, he wasn't kind to the Gryffindors much at all, but he seemed to own up to his sense of decency and try to make it at least bearable for Sirius. Try being the keyword. A certain Severus Snape did test his abilities of control.

The young boy was nonetheless a pure Slytherin. Snotty attitude and an air of betterness surrounded him. Sirius immediately hated him, recognizing the same qualities he tried to diminish in himself. Though Sirius wouldn't admit it, with his strict upbringing, the Slytherin qualities did resign in him somewhere. He just did all he could to erase them. But times like these reminded him that they were there and weren't going anywhere.

After what felt like a week, Slughorn dismissed the class. The end of the day was signified and all Sirius wanted to do was collapse in his nice, warm, cozy bed in Gryffindor Tower. But of course, that wouldn't happen. Severus corned them once class ended.

"I see you made it through the day." He commented snidely. Sirius noted that his hair oozed grease and made a mental note to use it against him somehow.

"I see you made it through the class. Thought you would've burst into flames if you didn't get to insult me in some way." Sirius retorted, packing his bag in space of looking at the boy.

"I used my waiting time wisely. You see, paying attention in class will earn me points with Slughorn. And with that, I will be free to speak about anyone at any time however I wish." Severus gloated, a smirk sitting on his face unpleasantly.

"How lovely. I can't wait to see the day when you learn to properly insult people." Sirius tried to leave, but Severus blocked the way. James, Peter, and Remus huffed, wanting this to be over just as much as Sirius did. They stood behind Sirius, grouped together like a security team.

"Severus, leave the boys alone. It is the second day of the year, I can't deal with bullying just yet." Slughorn called from his desk. He sounded exasperated, which was valid.

"Oh, that's no fun," Severus muttered as he pranced away, a frown on his face. Lily Evans followed him like a puppy followed its owner. The young girl had stood to the side of the conversation, patiently waiting for her friend to be finished so they could leave. She did not once seem upset at the ignorance Severus was spewing at the Gryffindor boys.

"I have a feeling we're going to hate him for a long time," James concluded as the four of them walked to the tower. Agreements were murmured and words were not shed at the dispense of the idiotic Slytherin boy that intruded on their lives.

The rest of the day was just as simple as the beginning: they did close to nothing. James dragged the other three to the Quidditch pitch because he had just been informed that Quidditch tryouts were in a week. Remus, of course, knew that the first years were hardly ever picked for the team, but he didn't want to burst James' bubble. For the remainder of the evening, Quidditch was all James talked about. He had read Quidditch Through The Ages approximately 8,000 times and he felt he need to share every single fact he could. His interest was gleeful, but it got a bit annoying toward the end of the night. There were only so many times you could hear the same information before you needed a break.

When the boys got back to their dorm, James and Sirius talked about classes and the like. James said that he thought that Transfiguration would be really interesting, but Defense About The Dark Arts was his favorite class so far. Sirius agreed with Defense Against The Dark Arts, but he was really interested in Charms. Soon enough, Remus joined their conversation.

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