She groaned, reaching both hands forward and pummeling the being into the wall with force.

He was stunned, struggling to pull himself off the ground while she panted, having used a great deal of her energy just to control him.

The monstrous being pushed himself off the ground and shook his head.  "You're in trouble now, girly," he sneered, diving at her and tackling her to the ground.

"Trish!" Neron shouted in panic, unable to go to her aid as he was punched with an electric fist by the being he faced off with. 

These beings were too fast, the intensifier had made them agile and nearly invincible.

The other beings in the bar were all watching. Some laughed as they watched the events unfold, some sat back and took it all in while others jumped and chanted like at a sporting event. We were putting on a show, but the ending wasn't looking good for us.

I grabbed onto the bar, feeling the heat rise inside of me while I desperately looked for Xan. He had managed to throw the being off himself and he stood there, his gaze focused on the immense monster before him with eyes that seethed with rage.

Without warning, I felt myself being harshly grabbed and thrown over some being's shoulder.

"I can sense your energy, but you have no control," Grear snarled and I realized he was my captor.

I flailed and hit his back with my fists, but it was meaningless.

"Bet I could make use of you or at the very least make some money off you," he snickered and anger washed over me.

I continued to hit him as he ran out the door with me and I felt the cold strike me once more. My vision was starting to blur and there was no way I was going to be able to calm myself now. I couldn't let myself slip, I had to stay present.

There was no time to waste.  If I couldn't hurt him, maybe I could at least slow him down.

I reached down and grabbed the belt of his pants and pulled with all my might, throwing my feet upwards as I did it. 

"What are you doing?" He grumbled, not being prepared for that while losing his grip.  I used the opportunity to tumble out of his grasp and put some space between us.

"Don't play games," he growled and I searched for anything around me to fight with.  My hands raked savagely through the sand and I found only stones and ice. I threw every one at his as I scooted backwards.

The projectiles bounced off him effortlessly, doing nothing to stop him. His eyes were maniacal as he approached me and again his image blurred, which only furthered my panic. I couldn't black out, not now; I had to fight!

"Now be a good girl and comply," he hissed approaching me, his eyes turning a shade of purple, just like when Deek had knocked me out. 

"You don't look like you're in any condition to fight me," he grabbed my arm and pulled me close, aglow with a purple glimmer. His eyes fixed on mine as he urged me to sleep, but I didn't feel pulled into unconsciousness like when Deek had done it to me.

My mind quickly flashed back to when Xan couldn't connect with me when I was having an episode. Was it the same now for Grear?

I pretended to to get sleepy and he smirked.

"Good girl," he said, buying the act.

His grip loosened, believing I was under his control; I took it to my advantage.  I quickly kicked his knee and tore from his hold to run back to the bar.

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