Epilogue (part 2)

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A/N  Watch out for the change of POV in the middle of this one.  I felt that we needed to hear from Luca once last time too!  

And just incase you're not familiar with the song.  The lyrics are not mine, nor Luca's.  Details are at the end of the chapter.

Oh yes, and there's some naked naughtiness in this chapter too!  Ooops! :) 


December arrived and once again I was subjected to the Twelve Days of Christmas being added into the cycle of songs that always reappeared at this time of year.

I went back home two weeks before Christmas to spend time with the family. I hadn't been home long when I bumped into Aiden, an old friend from High School. He and some friends had started up a local radio station and he begged me to come on his show so he could interview me about my time with Zaphire.

I agreed mainly to help out an old friend, but I also hoped that reliving it again might help me deal with some of the feelings that I'd buried deep down. Maybe get me to feel positive about the whole experience again.

The day arrived, and I made my way over to the small studio in the next town over. It was nothing more than a room rented in the middle of a modern office block. Aiden and his friends had spent most of their location money on sound proofing the cubicle.

Aiden waved me in while a song was playing.

"Sit down and put on these headphones," he said.

"Why do I need these?" I asked.

"Because we're inviting people to call in and ask you questions. You'll be able to hear them through the headphones."

"Questions? What kind of questions?" I asked quite alarmed.

"Don't worry, when they call in, they speak to Rob first, so he'll weed out any weirdo's and creeps."

"How many calls are you expecting?" I asked in surprise. I was sure that there were only about 20 people, all from the surrounding villages, who listened to the show.

"Hey, getting you is really quite a scoop. I've had a lot of interest on Facebook."

I remembered seeing and liking a post about my appearance on the radio station's page. I suddenly felt a deep regret for agreeing to do this.

But I didn't have much more time to worry about it as Aiden held his hand up telling me to be quiet, then the red light came on to tell us that we were on air.

"And now the moment we've all been waiting for, Ben, an old friend of mine, and star of the Zaphire film 12 days of Christmas is here in the studio with me now."

He pressed a button and I heard cheering and clapping in my ears.

"Hi," I said, feeling incredibly self conscious.

"So, Ben, I think the question that everyone wants to know is, what are Zaphire like in real life?"

"I can say with absolute honesty that they are normal, genuine people. I got on with all them and we had a great laugh doing the filming."

"So tell me, which was your favourite day to film?"

"Definitely seven swans a swimming. As a lot of your listeners probably know, I'm a trained lifeguard so playing the part was really easy, compared to let's say, playing the bagpipes."

Aiden laughed. "Yes, and I can imagine there are other reasons why you liked that day best as well. Let me tell you, I think you are the envy of a lot of people out there getting to grab hold of Luca Diego like that."

Twelve Days of ChristmasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora