5 Gold Rings

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A/N - To those who are reading as I'm publishing, I've added in an extra couple of sentences, just to tie in with another conversation later...


I didn't really get much sleep last night.  Yesterday had been such a weird day.   And that was really saying something considering the week I'd had!

But nothing about yesterday really made sense, and as I drove to the studio, I didn't really hold much optimism that today would give me any answers.

I couldn't believe I was thinking this, but for the last few days I'd really felt like one of the group. They treated me as though I was already in the band, so when Stuart suggested I audition for the drummer, it felt natural, like it was a role I could easily slide into.

It was stupid now I thought about it.  Me?   In a famous band?  Going on a worldwide tour with screaming fans?  How could I have possibly thought that was going to be my life?

And really, was it what I wanted?   My dream had always been to play in an orchestra, like the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.  That, although still probably unachievable, was at least a better fit for me.

And then as quickly as it had appeared, the offer disappeared again.  And why?  I'm pretty sure it was something that Marvin had said to Stuart.  And I think that's what hurt the most.   I thought I got on really well with Marvin, and I thought he liked me.

And what was that thing with Luca getting angry because I was gay?  At first I thought he might be homophobic, but then I realised he was more concerned with the fact Marvin had known I was gay and didn't tell him, which again increased my suspicions as to what Marvin had told Stuart.

And just when I thought I had enough whirling round my mind, Luca hugged me!!!  It was kind of bittersweet because as wonderful as it was, I was so surprised that I didn't really register what was happening until he pulled away.

Malcolm had texted me to tell me to come in a couple of hours later than usual today because apparently the band had some more complex routines to do, so they had to run through them first.  I wasn't exactly sure what he meant by that, but I knew I'd find out soon enough.

I walked in the studio with a strong resolve to hold my head up high and not be affected by anything the band said or did.  I was my own person, and I was proud of who I was.  It didn't matter that.....

"Holy fuck!"

My chin dropped to the floor at the sight before me.   The three members of the band were in the middle of a high energy dance routine.  They had obviously been at it for some time because every inch of their topless bodies was glistening with sweat.  Their hair was slicked back with moisture and the whole place reeked of raging men's pheromones.

As much as I appreciated all their bodies on show like that, my eye, of course, was immediately drawn to Luca.

The effortless way he moved in time to the beat, and the contours of his rippling muscles, made me think that he should be declared as an artwork masterpiece.

When the music stopped, I snapped out of my trance and immediately bolted for the door to get some fresh air.  I swear I was practically hyperventilating, the image of the topless boys imprinted firmly in my mind.

"Get a grip, get a grip," I murmured to myself, just as the door swung open, and Luca stepped out.

Thankfully he had chucked a t-shirt on, but it still clung to his wet body making me stare.

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