2 Turtle Doves

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I rolled over and winced as a searing pain shot through my skull.

"Fuck!" I croaked out then made the mistake of trying to swallow.  My mouth was dry and the back of my throat felt red raw – a sign that I'd vomited excessively.

If I had the energy, or bodily fluid I might have cried as I realised what I'd done last night.  I hadn't let my mind get the better of me like that in a long time, and I thought I was getting better.

The truth was, Marvin was right.   Until I stopped this pretence that was Luca Diego, I'd never be fully right.

I groaned as I remembered how I'd shouted at Marvin for trying to stop me drinking.  And again as he tried to stop me from dancing with some girl.

I can't remember much after that, but the fact I was in my bed, and not passed out in an alleyway somewhere showed that Marvin had, once again, had to look after me to make sure I was safe.  I knew I'd owe him one massive apology later.

I opened my eyes and was pleased to see it was still dark.  Although the thick black out curtains of the hotel could sometimes play tricks on you, so I pulled myself up to see if I could see the numbers on my digital alarm clock that I always kept next to the bed.

Only I couldn't see the clock, because there appeared to be a mound in the way.   A mound that was covered by my duvet, and was breathing!

A million and one thoughts rushed through my mind.   Did I bring a girl back? Or worse, a boy? Or was it Marvin? Or James?

Oh, please god, let it be Marvin or James.

I reached over to my side of the bed, and flicked on the small bedside lamp.

My eyes and head protested at the light, but right now I didn't care, I had to find out who was in bed with me.

I scooted up until I was sat back against the head board and was relieved to feel that I was still clothed.  Well, partly.

I scanned the room and saw my jeans folded across the chair with my shoes tucked under. Classic Marvin, I thought with relief.

But then something else caught my eye.  Another pair of shoes.   Actually a pair of well worn Nike, white, trainers.  They definitely didn't belong to Marvin or James.

I felt my heart start to hammer again.

"Oh, you're awake," came a voice from next to me, and I swear I almost shit myself!!

"Fuck!! Ben??!!" I said, then promptly started coughing because my throat was so dry.

"Here," he said, sitting up and passing me a bottle of water that was on his bedside table.

I gratefully took it off him and downed it, feeling immense relief on my burning throat.

Once I'd finished, I threw the bottle on the floor, then turned to check I wasn't imagining things. But no, there Ben was, sat in my bed, looking at me, rather awkwardly.

"I'm sorry," I said. "How? What? I just....I don't..."

"Don't worry," he said with a nervous laugh, "I just drove you home, then I volunteered to stay with you to make sure you were ok.  I hope that was alright."

I just nodded at him, wishing that my head didn't feel fuzzy so that maybe I could process this better.

I was relieved though.  Let's face it, Ben in my bed was probably the best outcome I could have wished for, even if he was fully clothed and must have seen me at my worst.

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