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"I'll come with you", Draco said in a firm voice. He was looking directly at Harry, who was about to step in to the fireplace, floo powder in hand.

Harry shook his head. He said, "I don't think it's a good idea, Malfoy."

"I agree with Harry", Hermione said.

"I don't. I want to go with him and see what's happening. It involves my own life and my family's safety. I can't just sit around here, pacing in front of the fireplace, while Potter does everything."

"It's not Hogwarts anymore", Harry snapped, "There is no rivalry between us. I'm doing this because this is my job to hunt dark wizards and witches. You are sitting around here because you are under house arrest."

"When we planned for this house arrest, we made it clear that it was a ruse to show our enemy that we have fallen in his trap. It didn't involve me being actually held up in my house for eternity."

"I don't know exactly what it is Timothy is talking about. I don't know what situation he is in and how would he react seeing you accompanying me."

"Don't be daft, Potter. I'll disguise myself."

Hermione touched his upper arm lightly and said, "Draco, let Harry go first. It might not be something ground breaking. It might just be another false lead or dead end. So many things are at stake. We have to be very very careful."

Harry added, "She is right. It might not mean anything at all."

"If it does?"

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but Hermione cut in, "Then Harry will let us know and both of us will go there."

"But, Hermione..."

"No 'but', Harry. I trust you with this. If it's really something big, please let us know. We'll not hinder your investigation, rather we can help you with our expertise."

"Alright, Hermione. I'll let you know."

With that, Harry stepped into the fireplace and vanished into the bright green flames.

It was almost one hour of agony, lots of pacing, biting nails and muffled (sometimes louder) curses.

Finally, the fireplace lit up with green lights and the face of Harry Potter appeared through it.

Draco stopped in his track of the hundredth round of pacing in front of the fireplace. Hermione loudly dropped the large book that laying open on her lap while she was biting her nails to the point of drawing blood.

"It is something big. You would want to see it. Disguise yourself properly. Here's the Portkey. It will be active for next twenty minutes. Oh! And wear casual Muggle attire", Harry said, throwing an old black colour hat at the floor. His head disappeared into the flame as promptly as it appeared. The yellowish orange hue of the crackling fire belied the incident that just took place. Everything was back to normal and Harry's message would have been thought as a figment of imagination, if the tattered hat hadn't been lying on the floor near Draco's feet.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other for an instance and then, jumped into action. Some quick movements of the wands - Draco's short, diamond blond hairs transformed to thick brown locks reaching his shoulders; slight change in the shape of his nose, thicker lips, honey coloured eyes; there stood a complete stranger in green hoody and faded blue jeans. He looked up to see that in place of his wife, there stood a woman with a curtain of raven locks hiding her pointed face, hooked nose and thin lips. When she looked up at him, the ink black eyeballs gave him an eery feeling.

"Merlin, Hermione! You look like a female version of Snape!"

"Professor Snape, Draco."

The tightness around Draco's shoulders relaxed visibly. He let out a chuckle and extended his hand, "Definitely my wife. No doubt in that. Shall we, my dear?"

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