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The next morning, as the first rays of morning sun peeped through the curtains, Hermione rolled on her side, facing Draco.

Draco's arms tightened around her and he nuzzled his nose sleepily in her bushy hair.

Hermione's sleepy eyes opened a bit.

Then they widened with surprise and disbelief.

She closed her eyes shut.

Then opened again.

As the view in front of her didn't change, she repeated the process several times, before finally believing in what her eyes saw - she was waking up in the arms of none other than Draco Malfoy, a Death Eater and her archenemy of seven years.

She screamed at the top of lungs and pushed him away with all her might.

A surprised and sleepy Draco Malfoy fell unceremoniously from the bed with a loud thud and an entanglement of expensive sheets.

Before he could clear the cobweb of sleepiness and the aftermath of the shocking wake up call, his wife's startled cry pierced through his sleepy brain -

"You... you evil Death Eater! What are you doing on my bed...... And NAKED! For Merlin's pants! Cover yourself up, for heaven's sake! You shameless filthy pig! What did you do to me! What's happening... I... where am I..."

No doubt she could prolong her frantic monologue for more than an hour, but Draco had had enough.

Trying to rise from the floor he asked in frustration, "What the hell are you talking about, Hermione!"

But his wife was taking none of it in.

Her one hand was clutching the bedsheet around her torso tightly, the other hand guarded her eyes against taking into the man's undressed form.

She uttered through clenched teeth, "First cover yourself. I don't want to see your naked ass, ferret."

He was too shocked and hurt to reply.

He just mumbled weakly, "Hermione, what..."

"I haven't given you the permission to call me by my first name, Malfoy. And are you decent yet?"

He wrapped the bedsheet with which he fell to the floor, around his waist and retorted angrily,

"Yes My Lady, I am decent and you can look at me without polluting your virgin eyes."

By this point, Hermione managed to retrieve her wand from under her pillow and pointed it directly at Draco,

"Now answer me straight. What.the.hell.is.going.on?"

"Am I not the one who should ask you this!"

"Shut up, Malfoy! Another moment of acting innocent and I will hex you to the next ten years. Where am I and what are you doing in my bedroom on my bed without a thread around your body?"

Draco took a few deep breaths to cool down his anger a bit and answered in the same heated way,

"The last time I checked, madam, this was our bedroom and I had every right to be in the same bed with you with or without any clothes."

Hermione jumped from the bed and cornered him against the wall touching her wand to his neck, in lightning speed.

This time she wrapped the sheet around her body like a towel to cover her modesty.

"Do not play games with me, Malfoy. Where is my husband?"

"I beg your pardon!"

"Are you deaf as well as an idiot! I asked you where my husband is and what have you done with him!"

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