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Chocolate mate pale blue.

Time stood still.

She never knew that it was possible for one's body to relax under the full body bind spell.

But as soon as she found herself in his warm embrace, a wave of calmness washed over her entire being and her body involuntarily relaxed. Or maybe it was not involuntary. Maybe her body still remembered which her mind did not.

But whatever it was, it made her momentarily forget about her desperation and worries.

She was lost in the depth of a pair of pale blue eyes which were looking at her with so much care and pain.

She almost forgot that those were the eyes of the notorious Slytherin, the bane of her existence for years.

Maybe it was mere seconds, but it felt like a lifetime.

They were in a trance until two sweet innocent voices startled them -

"Daddy one. Mommy zero. Yaaaeeee"

The trance-like moment broke.

Draco straightened up, still holding Hermione firmly in his arms.

"Hugo. Jean. What are you doing at this hour! Where is Maddy?"

A middle-aged witch with a round face and kind eyes rushed into the room.

"Here I'm sir... Oh... Ummm... forgive me for...uhhh... intruding into..."

Draco raised his palm in dismissing motion, "It's alright, Maddy. Please take the children to the kitchen and let Dobby oversee their breakfast. And then come back here quickly."

The witch looked a bit confused.

"Hermione is not feeling well. I have to make some important floo calls and I want you to stay with her."

"Yes, sir. Come, little master and miss. What will you have in breakfast?"

At the name of breakfast, the two children ran at her toes, screaming

"I want pancakes with maple syrup."

"I want apple tart."


"French toast."

As their footstep and voice faded down the hallway, Draco sighed and looked at his immobilised wife, "I am going to put you out of the spell. Please, please promise me you will sit calmly and let me explain."

She could just move her eyeballs, which Draco couldn't decipher in agreement or not. But nonetheless he whispered the reverse spell and Hermione blinked.

He motioned her towards the bed,


Hermione sat down without a single word.

She was too shocked to say anything.

When had the ferret become this advanced in magic! She thought ruefully.

But it was replaced by the terrible revelation of the children, her children, her and Malfoy's.

She closed her eyes and hid her face into her palms in resignation.


Draco whispered cautiously.

"Please Malfoy. Please tell me I am dreaming and you are not real. None of this is real. Please."

And she let the tears fall for the first time.

Seeing her in tears, he forgot everything and wrapped her petite form into his arms. And Hermione, without giving a damn who was supplying her comfort, took it greedily and helplessly.

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