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Daily Prophet, 23rd June, 2013

Draco Malfoy, a so called reformed Death Eater, holding a high rank in the post war Ministry, married to the brain of the golden trio, has been arrested last night due to the possession of a very dark artifect. The identity of the object is still unknown to us, although our source in the Ministry has described it as "a highly potent object to the practitioners of extreme dark magic". There are also valid reasons to believe that Mr Malfoy was practicing dark magic and planning something that are closely related to the Dark Lord.

It has been fifteen years since the fall of the Dark Lord, a milestone in the history of magic that was celebrated ostentatiously by the Ministry of Magic just weeks ago. It is claimed by the Ministry that after the fall of the megalomaniac evil wizard, all of his followers were successfully caught and prosecuted. Rest of the followers are deemed to be coined as "reformed Death Eater" and are considered to be of no threat to the wizarding community.

But this recent news makes us face a glaring question - are the reformed Death Eaters really reformed or just hiding in plain site to strike back at the right time.

While you are reading this news, a highly professional team of the Auror office is working tirelessly to interrogate Mr Malfoy and gather as much information as possible. Although there are rumours about Mr Malfoy resigning from his post as the Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the department has not confirmed anything yet.


The morning came with a blust from the media.

Although a highly secret mission, the news of it has reached the media surprisingly fast.

Mrs Narcissa Malfoy paid her daughter-in-law an early morning visit.

The door of the library banged open, waking up Hermione. Her head was almost invisible behind the pile of books on the desk.

The elegant widow looked at her over her half moon glasses.

Both Mrs Malfoys looked at each other.

Hermione Granger Malfoy was still sitting on her chair behind the desk, wearing the same dress she wore the previous evening, her hair a tangled mess, one side of her face was red from being pressed against the desk whole night, there were marks of inks on her dress, fingers and on the tip of her nose.

Narcissa Black Malfoy stood tall, clad in a stylish black robe, her diamond blond hair worn in an elegant updo, her lips pursed in disapproval, her eyes narrowed in question.

Hermione stood up abruptly from her seat, ran her hands over her hair and dress in a futile attempt to make them look presentable and greeted her guest, "Good morning, Mrs Malfoy."

"The morning newspaper brought one particular news that doesn't make the morning look as good as it should be," said the elder Mrs Malfoy.

She brought out a small copy of the morning's Daily Prophet from her purse, enlarged it to its normal size and gave it to Hermione.

Hermione went through it quickly, but didn't say anything. Her mind was working fast to figure out how much the reporters actually knew and who was the source they mentioned in the paper.

"Well? Would you care to tell me what happened to my son?" asked an inpatient Narcissa.

Hermione looked up from the newspaper. It was clear to her that Narcissa was very much worried for her son no matter how hard she tried not to show it.

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