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Fast footsteps were following her...

She could hear the click of their heels on the cobblestone.

She was running, running with her life.

Her wand was lost.

She wanted to Disapparate, but somehow was unable to do so.

So she was running, running and running.... through zigzagged roads, narrow alleys, damped paths.

The night was dark, cold and damp, the road was slippery and the footsteps were coming closer by each passing minute.

She didn't question the absurdity that why a bunch of wizards or witches would follow her physically instead of applying some clever magic trick.

All she knew was that she was in grave danger and she must escape.

She ran as fast as she could without realising that the footsteps had stopped.

When she realised that she stopped for a moment, looking around her.

The only source of sound was her panting breath.

Otherwise, the alley was eerily silence.

From somewhere the faint sound of water trickling coming, triply multiplied by the silence.

She could hear her own heart beating into her ears.

"This isn't good. Something must be wrong."

She searched her brain frantically where she might have dropped her wand, with no avail.

Just then a someone from behind whispered, "Crucio"

Hot liquid pain surged through her whole body and soul.

She fell to the ground, writhing, screaming, wishing instead to be hit by the killing curse, but the caster was marciless.

Through the hazy veil of pain, she saw the caster of the spell, her torturer, a lean figure with diamond blond hair, pointed face and proud stance.

The unmistakable voice of Draco Malfoy hissed menacingly, "They say you're the cleverest witch of the century. But even you couldn't resist my charm, could you? Trusting me has got you here today. Trusting a Malfoy was your downfall."

Somewhere very near she heard another very familiar evil laughter.

The shrill voice of none other than Bellatrix Lastrange came, "Come on, Draco. You've had your play. Now let me."

The next moment she felt the cool touch of metal to her cheeks and a sharp pain there told her that the torture had just begun.
And she wake up with a thumbing heart and sweat drenched body.

It took several moments to be aware of her surroundings.

The soft bed, the candle lit cozy room and pictures of happy family on the walls felt too surreal to believe after what she had just experienced.

She pressed her cold hands on her cheeks.

They were as unmarred and soft as ever.

Her hands were shaking.

No, not just the hands, her whole body was shaking.

"Oh dear Lord! What am I to do! I can't trust Malfoy. Give me strength to find out the truth."

Lost And FoundTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon