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Daily Prophet. 12th October, 2013

The sudden and untimely death of Narcissa Malfoy, especially the nature of her death, raised an uproar in the wizarding world of Britain.

The matriarch of one of the oldest Pureblood family, was found dead in her bedroom by her house elf this morning. The investigating team of Aurors are initially suspecting a deadly poison called Banshee's Scream. The poison is of a very ancient origin and almost forgotten in the modern wizarding world. When consumed with drinks, it does not change the taste or show any immidiate effect. But within a few hours, the poison will first attack the consumer's vocal system, making her lose her voice, hence the irony in its name. Then the consumer will experience pain compared to that induced by Crutiatus Curse, but is unable to scream. After few hours of agonizing pain, depending upon her endurance level, the organs will stop normal functioning and the person will die from heart attack or multiple organ failure. This is one of the most gruesome ways to kill your enemy. Now the question is, who the person is to consider such a horrifying death for Narcissa Malfoy.

Considering that the poison is very rare to get even in the most notorious circles treading illegal potions and an extremely complicated one to brew, the Aurors are suspecting it to be a work of someone who has Mastery level skills in Potions.

After the final defeat of Lord Voldemort, the Malfoy family was one of the very few old Pureblood families which gained respectful position in the new social dynamics. Most of the other Pureblood families either suffered too much casualty in the war to start anew or left with incompetent heirs who were unable to mingle into the new society where their blood status did not entitle them to have a higher position.

When Draco Malfoy's role in the last phase of war became public news, general opinion started to shift in favour of them. The subsequent marriage between Draco Malfoy and the brain of the 'Golden Trio' Hermione Granger, Mr Malfoy's notable works as a part of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his promotion to the Head of said department and his role to place Britain on its current trustworthy position in front of the whole world after the Dark Era, strengthened the position of the family in the society. But, there is no shortage of people who are envious of the position of power and respect the Malfoy family enjoys. Among them are families who supported the Dark Lord and lost everything in the end, families who suffered in hands of the former head of the Malfoy family, the notorious Lucius Malfoy and the crazy cousin Bellatrix Lestrange.

But why murder Narcissa Malfoy, who retired to a quite life of solitude? Why not Draco Malfoy, the present head of the family or Hermione Granger Malfoy, a powerful witch and instrumental in restoring Malfoy family glory? Or is the killer lurking in the dark to strike again when one wave of shock dies down?

It was evening. The same morning Narcissa was found dead.

The Malfoys were in the castle where Narcissa used to live. Yes, 'used to', because from now on she will not be here anymore, spending hours decorating the rooms with antique crafts, painting the different moods of the ocean as seen from her window, admiring the solitude sitting in the balcony with a mug of coffee, laughing at the antiques of her grandchildren or hosting family dinners.

Within one night, she became someone who 'used to' do all these things.

Hermione let out a sigh as she remembered how beautifully the day began, with her and Draco making love, coming closer than ever. It didn't feel like just few hours ago. Suddenly everything changed so dramatically that she could hardly keep her head together.

Hermione was helping Maddy to get the children into mourning dress, while Draco was with the team of Aurors, finishing paper works to claim the body for funeral. The healers had finished examining the body for investigation purpose. Visitors and well wishers started to arrive to pay their condolence.

"Hey, are you people ready? Hermione? Children?" Draco asked them as he entered into the room.

Hermione nodded. She looked at her husband. He had already changed into his mourning robs. From outward appearance, he was very much the suave Malfoy heir - elegantly dressed, not a single hair out of place, with his usual self assured manner. Someone who didn't know him, would not be able to guess that his mother had passed away few hours ago. Maybe Hermione herself would have been in that group of people only a few months ago. But now, things changed. She learnt to look past the cold appearance of this man. And that is why, the unusual pallor on his face and his hollow eyes spoke everything she needed to know and something more.

She gently pressed his hand in assurance. He looked at her. A hint of a sad smile appeared for a moment on his face and in the next moment he was again hidden behind the carefully composed mask of indifference.

"Come. Let's face the world", he said as they moved towards the living room where relatives, friends, acquaintances and reporters were waiting.

It was late night when people started to leave. It was true that many of them came out of politeness, social decorum or just out of pure curiosity. But there were others, who were genuinely concerned. There were friends who had been with them in every ups and downs - the Potters, the Weasleys, the Grangers, Luna, Neville, Pansy.

"I know it's not possible to replace one's parents. But remember you are not alone. We are always there for you. I do not see you as my son in law, Draco, you are my like my son", said Mrs Granger before leaving.

After everyone else left, Harry and Ginny were still there. They were the only persons who knew the full extends of things that was going on with the Malfoys for last few months.

Harry started with a concerned look on his face, "What do you think would-", but Draco stopped him mid sentence. "Let's go to my study at Malfoy Manor. It is already more secured and I will be more comfortable at my home environment."

And with a loud crack, they Apparated to the front garden of the Malfoy Manor.

Once settled inside the study, with glasses of Firewhiskey in hands, none of them knew how to start the conversation. It was still unnerving to conceive that Narcissa was murdered.

At length, Draco broke the silence. He spoke aloud as if to himself, "Yesterday I was angry at him for being unruly. But now I am immensely thankful that he is. We owe him our lives."

"What are you talking about? Who is he?" asked Harry.

Hermione answered his question, "He is talking about our son."

The Potters gave them a puzzled look.

"You see, the initial investigation revealed that the poison was in the wine she consumed last night," Hermione continued, "Last night me and Draco went to her place to have a family dinner. After dinner, all of us were about to drink the wine. Narcissa already took few sips. But just before either of us could drink it, Maddy's Patronus came and informed us about Hugo's accident."

"Merlin!" Ginny gasped.

"Yeah. Indeed," Draco commented, "If not for Hugo's mischiefs, we too would have been...."

A deadly silent fell into the room which soon spread exponentially and seemed to have engulf the house and soon the whole world.

A/N: Hello, dear readers, Happy Sunday to you all.

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Lost And FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora