Chapter 1

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Sometimes you just need a really good scream. Something has to let all of that pent up energy out of you. I find that getting the wind knocked out of you works just as well; it at least makes you feel alive enough to realize how fast you are.

     That's how I feel today. I need the wind knocked out of me or something. I very well may get my wish, because it's dodgeball day. Rolling my eyes, I thought of how stupid it was to play dodgeball in our Junior year. Although, I secretly love it. It's the perfect excuse to get back at that girl that called my best friend a whore for being pregnant without seeming like a total bitch.

"Heads up!" My words hurled at Katrina Williams alongside the rubber ball.

I watched as it became a part of her for a second and then fall to the ground.

"Ugh!" She put her overly-lotioned hands on her hips. "I call foul! That hit my arm hard!"

"Williams!" Coach McCurly called.

"Yes?" Her smile dripped honey.

I gagged as she silently flirted with our coach. He was from Portugal and every girl acted like he walked straight out of Bay Watch. I mean, I'm not going to lie. He is a good-looking man; strong stature, light brown hair, and electric green eyes that struck you right in your chest.

"Stop whining and get on the bench! You're out!" He bellowed.

Did I mention he is really into his job, though? I smirked as Katrina huffed and sat down, shooting daggers at me. Boo hoo, I thought.

"Woah!" I jumped to the right as a ball soared by my leg.

I retaliated quickly, throwing it back without looking.

I heard someone say "Shit" and then footsteps followed, so that was pretty satisfying.

 When PE was over, I quickly changed into my normal clothes and threw on my maroon leather jacket, my shoes guiding me to the lunchroom.

"Karly!" Someone hugged me and I was greeted by a stomach.

When they pulled away, I saw Seren. Well, her name is actually Sererity, but it's a nickname I came up with in freshman year.

"I missed you over break!" She exclaimed. "I got my ultrasound!"

Before my mouth even had a chance to express its curiosity, she blurted out, "It's a boy!"

“That’s great, Serenity! I’ll bet Oliver is going to be thrilled!”

Oliver is Serenity’s boyfriend. It is partially my fault that they ended up together. Last summer, there was this huge bonfire thrown by Oliver and his friend Luke (whose ego is so big, I’m afraid it will swallow him one day). I must clarify that I didn’t even want to go to this party, but Oliver was one of my best friends so I made and agreement that I would go if I could bring Serenity. Let’s just say they hit it off. Lo and behold, Walgreens was her next stop, and three days later she “passed the test”. Oliver loves her, though, he really does.

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