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I'm back with a bang as the fifth part. Hope you enjoy it...


Shopping or Date?"

"You're very fast. Don't worry ! We've time".

"Sure, at 6PM"

For sometime before, I was inside the book, but the idea of shopping again dumped me near him.

While leaving, Sanket took one of my books titled, "Love from War" and asked, "What is the price Madam?"

"Free sample Sir. I've a lot more samples".

"Do you think I'll for it?"

"May be! But you need to be strong".

"You and logical".

"Always" And then he left.

In the lunch time my mind was constantly peeping at the scenes if our time and rewinding his words.

Over that, my mom was constantly talking about Sanket's family.

But till now, no one asked, "How did we meet?" Strange right? But we belong to Defence family, here everyone is serious about the results.

I went to my bed and was just thinking about my flopped plans that brought me to Sanket.

I switched on my phone to search him on Facebook that I found a WhatsApp test from an unknown number. I opened the inbox and found Sanket in DP. My subconscious mind spoke up, "How did he get your number? Damn! Do they use smartphone?" I avoided her and looked at the text. It spoke,
" Hi... Sanket; get ready by 6PM".

"How did uh get my number?"

"It was written on the cover page of your book".

"Do you people use phones, that too smartphone?"

"How come a writer like you've so dumb".

"I'm not dumb"

"Okay sorry! You're short-tempered too. Yes, we do use phone. Now sleep. You've come through a lot today. Rest sometime. Will be at your door sharp at 6PM".

"Persuade my mom..."

There was an unknown silence.


And now, keep waiting for the next episode. Do vote and share and keep guessing the next....

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