Chapter 3

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The next morning, Yugi woke up to get ready for school, while Atem was still asleep in his bed.

He than noticed his grandpa snuck some spear clothes for Atem to wear around house.

"I hope grandpa don't tell my friends that Atem is here." Yugi thought to himself as he looked back at Atem sleeping and feared the odds that his friends would become scared of the fact that Atem is back from the after life.

He grabbed his bookbag and left the room.

Atem heard the door opened and closed in his sleep as he woke up and noticed Yugi had left to go to school.

He also noticed Yugi's grandpa give him some spear clothes to wear around the house.

"He must really known that I'm here." Atem thought to himself as noticed the clothes looked like they could fit him, because between him and Yugi, they're both about the same size, but Atem is a bit taller than Yugi.

After Atem got the clothes on him, he went downstairs to join grandpa Moto for breakfast.

"Goodmorning Atem." He said.

"Goodmorning grandpa." Atem said.

"Would you like some breakfast?" Grandpa Moto asked.

"Of course." Atem replied.

Grandpa Moto started fixing his plate and give him a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon.

"So, did you sleep well last night?" Grandpa Moto asked.

"Uh, yes I did." Atem answed as he was eating.

"I know it's hard sleeping in the same bed as Yugi, but I'm sure you're use to it, if only we have a spear futon for you." Grandpa Moto said.

"That's okay, I have no problem sleeping in Yugi's bed." Atem said.

"I'm glad." Grandpa Moto said as he smiled.

Then grandpa Moto got the thinking to himself, "Sooner or later, Yugi is going have to let his friends know that Atem is back from the after life, because he can't keep him hidden them forever and neither can't I."

Later that day, Atem was sitting the living room watching TV while waiting for Yugi to come home from school, grandpa Moto was running the store.

"I wonder if Yugi is going to let me see his friends again." Atem thought to himself.

"I hope Yugi don't get mad at me for letting Atem be seen by the public." Grandpa Moto thought two himself.

Then he walked into living room and saw Atem sitting on the couch.

"Atem, would you like to help me out around the store?" Grandpa Moto asked.

"Of course, but won't Yugi get mad if I'm being seen?" Atem asked.

"He would, but he can't keep you hidden forever." Grandpa Moto said.

"But I don't want either of us get in trouble with him." Atem said.

"Ho ho ho! You think I'm scared of my own grandson?" Grandpa Moto asked.

"Well, are you?" Atem asked.

"Of course not, he better be scared of me. Besides, I don't see any harm with you working in the store with me." Grandpa Moto said.

Atem looked at him silently as he started to feel uneasy at first.

"Come with me." Grandpa Moto said as he had Atem follow him to the store.

Later that afternoon, Yugi came home and saw a bunch of people standing outside of the game shop.

As soon as he went inside the store, he saw Atem and his grandfather standing side by side behind the counter.

"You look like the king of games." One of the costumers said as they looked at Atem.

"Indeed I do." Atem said as he smiled.

"Grandpa! Atem! What are you doing?" Yugi asked as he confronted them.

"We're greeting costumers." Grandpa Moto answered.

Yugi was shocked to see all those people looking at Atem.

"You two look alike, are you twin brothers?" One of the costumers asked.

Yugi was panic as he grabbed Atem and took him into the living room, leaving Grandpa Moto and the costumers in shock.

"Atem, what were you doing out there with my grandpa?" Yugi asked.

"Your grandpa said it was okay." He said.

"He should know those people was going to see you, which they did and now, Joey, Tristan, Tea, Duke and Bakura are going to know you're here." Yugi said.

"But Yugi, you can't keep me hidden from everyone forever you know, now that your grandpa let me work with him in the store, I'm not scaring anyone." Atem said.

"I don't know, I'm scared how everybody is going to react." Yugi said.

"It'll be alright, just watch. When tomorrow comes, everyone will be surprised to see me again." Atem said.

And he was right, the next day, everybody was shocked to see Atem again, especially Tea who just ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"You're here, you're really here!" She said as a few tears came down from eyes.

"It's good to see you again Atem." Duke said.

"We totally missed ya." Joey said.

"I missed all of you alot." Atem said as he smiled.

Yugi and Grandpa Moto was happy for him that he got to see everybody again.

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