Chapter 1- Reunited

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Yugi's story-

The next morning, I woke up and saw Atem sleeping right next to me.

I looked at him and smiled, because he looked so beautiful when he sleeps.

Then my heart started to beat faster as my face was turning red.

I sat next to him and watched him sleep, just when I was about to touch his cheek, he opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Good morning aibou." He said to me.

"Good morning Atem." I said as I started blushing.

Just when he was about to sat up, we heard somebody knocking on my door.

"Yugi, can I come in?" It was my grandpa.

"It's my grandpa, he can't know you're in here with me." I whispered to Atem.

"What should I do?" He asked.

"Hide underneath the covers." I said.

"You know, it would make sense that he would know that I'm in here even if I'm hiding underneath the covers." Atem whispered back.

"Then hide in the closet and don't let him know you're here." I said.

Atem nodded his head as he got out of my bed and went into my closet.

Then I went up to my door and let my grandpa in my room.

"Hey grandpa, what's up?" I asked.

"I came up here to check on you, are you alright?" He asked with a concern look on his face.

"I'm fine, why would I be?" I asked.

"Because yesterday you weren't yourself since the Pharaoh moved on to the after life, Joey, Tristan, Teà and me were worried about you and I just wanted to see if you're okay." Grandpa said.

"Oh, I'm okay, I was just getting ready to go to school." I said.

Then I heard Atem coughing in the closet.

"What was that?" Grandpa asked.

"That was me, I got a tickle in my throat." I said as I started coughing to cover Atem's cough.

"Oh, well, I'll see you downstairs before you leave." Grandpa said.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute." I said as I saw him leave my room.

Then I went to my closet and saw Atem covering his mouth as he opened the door.

"He's gone." I said.

"Good, I can stop hiding." Atem said.

"Actually, you can't stop hiding from him Atem. Because if he sees you, he'll know you're here and start freaking out at the fact that you have been brought back from the after life and I don't want you to be the cause to his heart attack." I said.

"I understand, I'll try not to be seen by him." Atem said.

"Thank you, stay in here while I'm gone and don't let my grandpa see you." I said.

Atem nodded his head as he watched me get ready for school.

Apart of me I could take him to school with me, but I don't know how my friends would react if they know he came back from the after life, so my only choice was to keep him hidden in my room while I'm at school.

Let's move on to Atem's story shall we?

While Yugi was at school, I stayed in his room and laid on his bed, looking at the ceiling.

There's not much for me to do in here except stay in here and wait for him to come home from school.

Last night Yugi was over whelmed with joy about my returning the world of the living, now he's scared on how his grandpa will react about me being brought back from the after life and I don't want to be the cause of his heart attack.

Atem stared out of Yugi's window and looked up at the sky.

"I'm so happy to see my aibou again." He thought to himself as he smiled.

Later that afternoon, Atem became bored while staying in Yugi's room as he wish he could go downstairs and watch TV, but he remembered what Yugi told him about his grandpa, "Don't let my grandpa see you."

"I'm so bored, I could go downstairs and look around the house and the game store, but with Yugi at school, I'm stuck in here, he doesn't want his grandpa to know I came back from the after life and I don't want neither of us get in trouble." Atem said as he sighed sadly and softly to himself.

He couldn't help but feel bored while being cooped up in Yugi's room all afternoon by himself, so he tried tempting to leave the room without Yugi's grandpa knowing that he was there.

"I'm sorry Yugi." Atem said to himself.

He closed the door behind him and snuck downstairs, he noticed Yugi's grandpa just opened the store and started greeting customers.

Without scaring either of them, he snuck into the living room and turned on the TV.

"I hope Yugi can forgive me for disobeying him." Atem said as he feared the odds of Yugi getting mad at him for doing what he wasn't supposed to be doing.

Few hours later, Yugi came home and went straight upstairs to see if Atem was still in his room, but when he got there he was gone.

"Where did he go? I told him to stay in here." Yugi thought to himself.

Then he started to panic a little as he started looking for Atem.

He went downstairs to the living room and saw him sleeping on the couch.

"Great, how can I get him outta here before grandpa see him?" Yugi asked  himself as he scratched his head.

Then his grandpa entered the living room.

"Yugi, I thought I saw you come in." He said.

"Oh, hi grandpa." Yugi said.

Atem started waking up and heard Yugi and his grandpa exchanging conversations as he stayed on the couch without being seen as he thought of away to sneak back upstairs to Yugi's room.

Then he saw Yugi leave the living room with his grandpa and started making his way back upstairs to Yugi's room without scaring his grandpa.

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