Prolouge- The return of the Pharaoh

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After a year of being split from his partner Atem, Yugi could barely focus on everything and everyone that's around him.

Without his partner in crime, he couldn't seem to do anything.

After school, he would go straight home, wouldn't bother hanging out with his friends Joey, Tristan, and Teà.

Yugi would just go home, shut himself in his room and fall onto his bed, thinking about Atem.

He would cry himself to sleep because he couldn't process the fact that he's alone without his partner.

While Yugi cried himself to sleep as he slipped into a dream.

He had dreamt that he was seeing Atem again and telling him that, "I will return to the world of the living in. I look forward on seeing you again Yugi."

Yugi then wakes up from his dream and asks himself, "Is he really returning to the world of the living? Pharaoh!"

Yugi's story-

It's felt like years since I last saw him, but it's really only been a year.

I haven't done it on purpose, but I haven't really been paying much attention to my friends.

There's not much I can focus on other than somewhat trying to stay alive.

All I do is eat, breathe, sleep, and think about him.

Even though I have to duel every once in a while to maintain my king of games title, I don't do it for myself or for the prizes.

I do it all for him, my best friend and partner in crime.

If he could see me right now I bet he would be proud of me.

The pharaoh and grandpa have taught me a lot about dueling and the heart of the cards.

I'll never forget all the things they have taught me.

I think about them all the time, even when sitting in the chair in front of my desk.

I miss the pharaoh more than anything in the world.

Almost every night I have to cry myself to sleep when I think about him for too long or when I remember a specific memory of him.

I hate crying about him, he wouldn't want me to cry over him, but I just can't help it, I miss him so.

Yugi stared out of his window and looked up at the sky that night as he thought about Atem.

Between him and his friends, they were completely torn about him moving on to the after life, he wish he could have lost the duel, but he had to win in order to set Atem free.

"I miss you so much Atem, if only you could have stayed a while." Yugi said as a tear fell from his eye.

He got up from his desk and walked over towards his bed, then he started to feel a familiar present, but he ignored it as he slipped into his bed with his back towards the door.

Later that night, Yugi fell asleep as tear drops fell from his eyes as he continues to think about the Pharaoh.

As he laid in bed with his back turned, he heard the door opened and closed itself in his sleep, at first he thought it was his grandpa checking on him, but when he sat up, he saw a familiar figure standing right in front of him.

"Yugi." He said.

Yugi looked at him in shock as his eyes were full of tears.

"A...Atem." He said.

"Good to see you again Yugi." He said.

"You're back from the after life." Yugi said.

"I told you I will return to see you again." Atem said.

Yugi's eyes were so full of tears, he ran up to the Pharaoh and hugged him.

"I missed you so much." He said as tears ran down his face.

Atem rubbed his back up and down as he closed his eyes and smiled.

"I missed you too Yugi." He said.

Yugi looked up at him for a bit as he wiped the tears from his eyes, he didn't want the Pharaoh see him crying.

"It's been a long time, I couldn't stop thinking about you." Yugi said.

"I can see that." Atem said as he agreed with him, he couldn't help but feel the same way.

"Joey, and Tristan said that you may have forgotten all about us since you regain your memories and moved on to the after life, but that can't be true, you wouldn't forget us, would you?" Yugi asked.

"I never forgotten about all of you, none of you never left my mind." The Pharaoh said.

Yugi closed his eyes and smiled as tears was running down his face.

Atem held his cheeks in his hands and wiped the tears from his eyes as he could tell that Yugi was very happy that he never forgot about him and his friends.

"I know you never forgotten me." He said.

"I thought about you all the time, you never left my mind." Yugi said.

"I'm glad to hear that." Atem said.

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