4 chim

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Its been a month now with chimmy. He doesnt really require much care. Give him some candy and cuddle him at night and he's good to go. Mimi is as happy as aver though. He's always doing something with chimmy, watching tv, trying to play games, cooking. He loves everything about him, as if it were his own kid.

6:43, I've just finished plating the table for me in Jimin. "Jimin-ah! Time for dinner!" I say over into the living room. He picks up chimmy and puts him in his little play pen so he doesn't try to do anything around the house without us watching.

"Dinner looks great baby!" He says pulling out my chair to let me sit down. I smile and bow.

We eat silently for the first few minutes, I look up at him to see a face full of noodles and sauce. I giggle and give him a napkin. "How was work?". I say as he dabs his face with the napkin. Jimin shrugs. Maybe he's just tired from playing with chimmy, he always comes home and tells me about the fun things at work.

Jimin works at a music company, big hit. He works with 6 other guys. They just make music and joke around really, but his pay is what keep us in our house. He wants to get payed for though, maybe even get his music on the radio.

"What about you? How was chim" i look over to the puppy rolling over in his pen.

I look back at my bowl and sigh, "He's not a real baby... That's for sure" Jimin suddenly drops his chopsticks.

He has an angry yet upset looking in his eyes. "Y/n!-" he doesnt even know what to do or say. "W-we can't have a really baby... I'm sorry but we need to get over that"

"How am I supposed to get over the fact that we can't have our own children!" I snap.

"We just have to!"

"Well I'm not going to!"

"Oh my god! Why do you hate chimmy so much!?"

I clench my fists, "IT is a dog! A talking dog-"

"He only says chim!"

"Let me finish!... Its not that I don't like his it just want I want a REAL baby"

Jimin finally looks down, the rage is gone. "My mother won't let me, you know this"

I just shake my head and stand up, "I'm going to bed. Good night"

"Its only 7!" He says trying to bring me back to the table. I just ignore him and go to our room, even though I hate doing this. There is nothing else I can do though. Fighting with him is something that I just can't do.

So now, all I can do it just look up and stare at the ceiling. Hoping that one day, one day, everything is going to be fixed. "Y/n!" Jimin yells out. I don't respond, "I'm going out, I'll be back later" He's outside the door. This is jimins first instinct to do when we fight, go by his friends houses. There is a heavy silence, "i..." He sighs, "I love you"

No, please no. Just let me be mad. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing he didn't say that. Wishing that he hopefully didn't say that to make things worse. His footsteps start to tap away. I hear his grab his phone and open the front door. In a second, the door slams shut.

I then let it all out. I sit up and bawl my eyes out. He hates me, He's going to leave me. I hit my head over and over and pull at my hair, hoping that this is just a dream. Fuck it, I'm getting drunk.

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